Source code for k1lib.cli.typehint

Lots of type hint mechanisms to be used by the `LLVM optimizer <llvm.html>`_
import k1lib.cli as cli
import k1lib, itertools, copy, numbers; import numpy as np
from k1lib.cli.init import yieldT
from typing import List
from collections import defaultdict, deque
try: import torch; hasTorch = True
except: hasTorch = False; torch = k1lib.Object().withAutoDeclare(lambda: type("RandomClass", (object, ), {}))

__all__ = ["tBase", "tAny", "tList", "tIter", "tSet", "tCollection", "tExpand",
           "tNpArray", "tTensor",
           "tListIterSet", "tListSet", "tListIter", "tArrayTypes",
           "inferType", "TypeHintException", "tLowest", "tCheck", "tOpt"]
settings = k1lib.settings.cli
settings.add("llvm", k1lib.Settings(), "settings related to LLVM-inspired optimizer `tOpt`. See more at module `k1lib.cli.typehint`")
settings.llvm.add("k1a", True, "utilize the supplementary C-compiled library automatically for optimizations")
[docs]class TypeHintException(Exception): pass # TypeHintException
def klassName(self): # klassName if isinstance(self, tBase): return self.__class__.__name__ # klassName try: return f"{self.__name__}" # klassName except: return f"{self}" # klassName def klassRepr(self): return f"{self}" if isinstance(self, tBase) else klassName(self) # klassRepr
[docs]class tBase: # tBase def __init__(self, child=type(None)): self.child = child # tBase def __repr__(self): # tBase return f"<{klassName(self)} {klassRepr(self.child)}>" # tBase def __eq__(self, v): # tBase if not isinstance(v, tBase): return False # tBase if self.__class__ != v.__class__: return False # tBase if self.child != v.child: return False # tBase return True # tBase
[docs] def check(self, v): # tBase """Checks whether a specific object adhears to this type hint or not. Returns :attr:`~k1lib.cli.init.yieldT` if object does not adhere. If it does, then return the object. Note that in the case that the object is actually an iterator, it will return a new iterator containing all elements from the old iterator.""" # tBase return NotImplemented # tBase
[docs] def item(self): # tBase """Gets the child type of this type. Basically what's the type if it were to go through :class:`~k1lib.cli.utils.item`. Example:: # returns tTensor(torch.float32, 2) tTensor(torch.float32, 3).item() """ # tBase return self.child if self.child is not type(None) else tAny() # tBase
[docs] def expand(self, n) -> List["tBase"]: # tBase """Expands the type to a list with ``n`` elements. Example:: # returns [int, int, int, int] tList(int).expand(4) # returns [int, float, float, str] tCollection(int, tExpand(float), str).expand(4) """ # tBase return [self.child if self.child is not type(None) else tAny()]*n # tBase
def __hash__(self): # tBase return hash(f"{self.__class__} {self.child}") # tBase
def checkF(t): # checkF #print(t, isinstance(t, (tBase, cli.typehint.tBase))) # checkF if isinstance(t, (tBase, cli.typehint.tBase)): return t.check # checkF else: # checkF def inner(x): # checkF try: return x if isinstance(x, t) else yieldT # checkF except TypeError: # checkF if hasTorch and isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): # checkF return x if x.dtype == t else yieldT # checkF return yieldT # checkF except Exception as e: # checkF print(x, t); raise e # checkF return inner # checkF
[docs]class tAny(tBase): # tAny def __init__(self): super().__init__() # tAny def __repr__(self): return f"<{klassName(self)}>" # tAny def __eq__(self, v): return isinstance(v, tAny) # tAny
[docs] def check(self, v): return v # tAny
[docs] def item(self): return tAny() # tAny
def __hash__(self): return hash(f"tAny") # tAny
[docs]class tIter(tBase): # tIter
[docs] def check(self, v): # tIter l = [] # tIter for e in v: # tIter x = checkF(self.child)(e); l.append(x) # tIter if x == yieldT: return yieldT # tIter return iter(l) # tIter
[docs]class tList(tBase): # tList
[docs] def check(self, v): # tList if not isinstance(v, (list, tuple, range)): return yieldT # tList if tIter(self.child).check(v) is yieldT: return yieldT # tList return v # tList
[docs]class tSet(tBase): # tSet
[docs] def check(self, v): # tSet if not isinstance(v, set): return False # tSet if tIter(self.child).check(v) is yieldT: return yieldT # tSet return v # tSet
tListIterSet = (tList, tIter, tSet) # tSet tListSet = (tList, tSet) # tSet tListIter = (tList, tIter) # tSet class tDict(tBase): # tDict def __init__(self, keys, values): # tDict """Dictionary type. Example:: d = tDict(tIter(str), tIter(int)) # returns {"a": 3} dict, so check passed d.check({"a": 3})""" # tDict super().__init__(); self.keys = keys; self.values = values # tDict def check(self, v): # tDict if not isinstance(v, dict): return yieldT # tDict ks = self.keys.check(list(v.keys())) # tDict vs = self.values.check(list(v.values())) # tDict if ks is yieldT or vs is yieldT: return yieldT # tDict return {k: v for k, v in zip(ks, vs)} # tDict def __eq__(self, v): # tDict if not isinstance(v, tDict): return False # tDict if self.keys != v.keys: return False # tDict if self.values != v.values: return False # tDict return True # tDict def __repr__(self): # tDict return f"<{klassName(self)} {klassRepr(self.keys)} {klassRepr(self.values)}>" # tDict
[docs]class tNpArray(tBase): # tNpArray
[docs] def __init__(self, child=None, rank=None): # tNpArray """Numpy array type. Example:: # returns np.array([2, 3]) tNpArray(np.int64, 1).check(np.array([2, 3])) :param child: the dtype of the array :param rank: the rank/dimension of the array""" # tNpArray super().__init__(child); self.rank = rank # tNpArray
[docs] def check(self, v): # tNpArray if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): return yieldT # tNpArray if self.rank is not None and self.rank != len(v.shape): return yieldT # tNpArray return v # tNpArray
def __repr__(self): return f"<tNpArray {klassName(self.child)} rank={self.rank}>" # tNpArray
[docs] def item(self): return (tNpArray(self.child, self.rank - 1) if self.rank > 1 else self.child) if self.rank is not None else tNpArray(self.child, None) # tNpArray
def __eq__(self, v): # tNpArray if not isinstance(v, tNpArray): return False # tNpArray if self.child is not None and v.child is not None and self.child != v.child: return False # tNpArray if self.rank is None or v.rank is None: return True # tNpArray return self.rank == v.rank # tNpArray def __hash__(self): return hash(f"{self.child} - {self.rank}") # tNpArray
[docs] def expand(self, n): return [self.item()]*n # tNpArray
if hasTorch: # tNpArray class tTensor(tBase): # tNpArray
[docs] def __init__(self, child=None, rank=None): # tNpArray """PyTorch tensor type. Example:: # returns torch.tensor([2.0, 3.0]) tTensor(torch.float32, 1).check(torch.tensor([2.0, 3.0])) :param child: the dtype of the array :param rank: the rank/dimension of the tensor""" # tNpArray super().__init__(child); self.rank = rank # tNpArray
[docs] def check(self, v): # tNpArray if not isinstance(v, torch.Tensor): return yieldT # tNpArray if self.rank is not None and self.rank != len(v.shape): return yieldT # tNpArray return v # tNpArray
def __repr__(self): return f"<tTensor {klassName(self.child)} rank={self.rank}>" # tNpArray
[docs] def item(self): return (tTensor(self.child, self.rank - 1) if self.rank > 1 else self.child) if self.rank is not None else tTensor(self.child, None) # tNpArray
def __eq__(self, v): # tNpArray if not isinstance(v, tTensor): return False # tNpArray if self.child is not None and v.child is not None and self.child != v.child: return False # tNpArray if self.rank is None or v.rank is None: return True # tNpArray return self.rank == v.rank # tNpArray def __hash__(self): return hash(f"{self.child} - {self.rank}") # tNpArray
[docs] def expand(self, n): return [self.item()]*n # tNpArray
tArrayTypes = (tNpArray, tTensor) # tNpArray else: # tNpArray
[docs] class tTensor(tBase): pass # tNpArray
tArrayTypes = (tNpArray,) # tNpArray
[docs]class tCollection(tBase): # tCollection
[docs] def __init__(self, *children): # tCollection """Fixed-length collection of things. Let's say you want a tuple with 5 values:: a = [3, [2, 3], "e", 2.0, b'3'] Then, this would be represented like this:: tCollection(int, tList(int), str, float, bytes) This also works in conjunction with :class:`tExpand`, like this:: a = [3, [2, 3], "e", 2.0, 3.0] tCollection(int, tList(int), str, tExpand(float))""" # tCollection super().__init__(None); self.children = list(children) # tCollection nExpands = sum(isinstance(e, tExpand) for e in children) # tCollection if nExpands > 1: raise TypeHintException("Can't have 2 `tExpand` in a `tCollection`") # tCollection self.nChildren = len(children) - nExpands # minimum number of children possible # tCollection self.expandIdx = -1 # tCollection for i, e in enumerate(children): # tCollection if isinstance(e, tExpand): self.expandIdx = i # tCollection
def __repr__(self): # tCollection a = ' '.join(klassRepr(c) for c in self.children) # tCollection return f"<{klassName(self)} {a}>" # tCollection def __eq__(self, v): # tCollection if isinstance(v, tCollection): # tCollection if len(self.children) != len(v.children): return False # tCollection for x, y in zip(self.children, v.children): # tCollection if x != y: return False # tCollection return True # tCollection return False # tCollection
[docs] def check(self, v): # tCollection t = type(v) if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) else None # tCollection v = list(v); l = [] # tCollection if self.expandIdx >= 0: # tCollection n = len(self.children); nv = len(v) # tCollection nMatchExpand = nv-(n-1) # tCollection for i in range(self.expandIdx): # tCollection x = checkF(self.children[i])(v[i]); l.append(x) # tCollection if x is yieldT: return yieldT # tCollection for i in range(self.expandIdx, self.expandIdx + nMatchExpand): # tCollection x = checkF(self.children[self.expandIdx])(v[i]); l.append(x) # tCollection if x is yieldT: return yieldT # tCollection for i in range(self.expandIdx + nMatchExpand, nv): # tCollection x = checkF(self.children[i-nMatchExpand+1])(v[i]); l.append(x) # tCollection if x is yieldT: return yieldT # tCollection else: # tCollection l = [] # tCollection for c, e in zip(self.children, v): # tCollection x = checkF(c)(e); l.append(x) # tCollection if x is yieldT: return yieldT # tCollection return t(l) if t else l # tCollection
[docs] def reduce(self): # tCollection """Tries to reduce ``tCollection(int, int)`` to ``tIter(int)`` if possible""" # tCollection s = self.children[0] # tCollection for e in self.children: # tCollection if s != e: return self # tCollection return tIter(s) # tCollection
[docs] def item(self): return tLowest(*((t.child if isinstance(e, tExpand) else t) for t in self.children)) # tCollection
[docs] def expand(self, n:int) -> List[tBase]: # tCollection """Expands out this collection so that it has a specified length""" # tCollection if self.expandIdx >= 0: # tCollection ts = [] # tCollection for t in self.children: # tCollection if isinstance(t, tExpand): # tCollection for i in range(n - len(self.children) + 1): ts.append(t.child) # tCollection else: ts.append(t) # tCollection return ts # tCollection else: # tCollection if len(self.children) == n: return list(self.children) # tCollection else: # doesn't make sense, so default case should return to list of lowest child # tCollection return [self.item()]*n # tCollection
[docs]class tExpand(tBase): # tExpand
[docs] def __init__(self, child): # tExpand """Supplement to :class:`tCollection`""" # tExpand super().__init__(child) # tExpand
[docs] def check(self, v): return checkF(self.child)(v) # tExpand
settings.atomic.add("typeHint", (numbers.Number, np.number, str, bool, bytes), "atomic types used for infering type of object for optimization passes") # tExpand
[docs]def inferType(o): # inferType """Tries to infer the type of the input. Example:: # returns tList(int) inferType(range(10)) # returns tTensor(torch.float32, 2) inferType(torch.randn(2, 3)) """ # inferType if isinstance(o, range): return tList(int) # inferType if isinstance(o, settings.atomic.typeHint): return type(o) # inferType if isinstance(o, np.ndarray): return tNpArray(o.dtype, len(o.shape)) # inferType if hasTorch and isinstance(o, torch.Tensor): return tTensor(o.dtype, len(o.shape)) # inferType if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): # inferType arr = []; diff = False; a = None # inferType for e in o: # inferType t = inferType(e); arr.append(t) # inferType if a is None: a = t # inferType if a != t: diff = True # inferType if diff: # inferType if len(arr) < 100: return tCollection(*arr) # inferType else: return tList(tLowest(*arr)) # inferType else: return tList(a) # inferType if isinstance(o, dict): return tDict(inferType(list(o.keys())), inferType(list(o.values()))) # inferType return tAny() # inferType
def lowestChild(t): # lowestChild if isinstance(t, tCollection): return tLowest(*t.children) # lowestChild if isinstance(t, tListIterSet): return t.child # lowestChild if isinstance(t, tArrayTypes): # lowestChild if t.rank is None or t.rank == 1: return t.child # lowestChild if t.rank is None: return t.__class__(t.child) # lowestChild else: return t.__class__(t.child, t.rank - 1) # lowestChild raise TypeHintException(f"Type {t} does not have a lowest child") # lowestChild intTypes = {int, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, torch.int8, torch.int16, torch.int32, torch.int64} # lowestChild floatTypes = {float, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, torch.float16, torch.float32, torch.float64, torch.bfloat16} # lowestChild try: floatTypes.add(np.float128) # some systems don't have float128 # lowestChild except: pass # lowestChild intFloatTypes = {*intTypes, *floatTypes} # lowestChild numericTypes = {*intTypes, *floatTypes, complex, numbers.Number} # lowestChild def allSame(l): return all(t == l[0] for t in l) # allSame
[docs]def tLowest(*ts): # tLowest """Grabs the lowest possible shared type of all the example types. Example:: # returns tIter(float) tLowest(tIter(float), tList(int))""" # tLowest # sort of like array types? # tLowest if all(isinstance(t, tArrayTypes) for t in ts): # tLowest lC = tLowest(*(lowestChild(t) for t in ts)) # tLowest if all(isinstance(t, tTensor) for t in ts) or all(isinstance(t, tNpArray) for t in ts): # tLowest t = ts[0]; rank = t.rank if allSame([t.rank for t in ts]) else None # tLowest child = t.child if allSame([t.child for t in ts]) else None # tLowest return t.__class__(child, rank) # tLowest # sort of like list? # tLowest if all(isinstance(t, (tList, tIter, tSet, *tArrayTypes, tCollection)) for t in ts): # tLowest lC = tLowest(*(lowestChild(t) for t in ts)) # tLowest if any(isinstance(t, (tIter, tCollection)) for t in ts): return tIter(lC) # tLowest return tList(lC) # tLowest # all numeric? # tLowest if all(t in numericTypes for t in ts): # tLowest if all(t in intTypes for t in ts): return int # tLowest if all(t in intFloatTypes for t in ts): return float # tLowest return numbers.Number # tLowest return tAny() # tLowest
def _tCheck(inp, op): # _tCheck a = inferType(inp); out = inp | op; b = inferType(out) # _tCheck x = checkF(a)(inp); c1 = x is yieldT # _tCheck y = checkF(b)(out); c2 = y is yieldT # _tCheck z = checkF(op._typehint(a))(y); c3 = z is yieldT # _tCheck if c1 or c2 or c3: # _tCheck global tCheckData # _tCheck tCheckData = [a, b, c1, c2, c3, inp, out] # _tCheck raise TypeHintException(f"Type hints are wrong. Hints: inp type ({a}), out type ({b}). Checks: {c1}, {c2}, {c3}. Inp: {inp}, out: {out}") # _tCheck return z # _tCheck
[docs]class tCheck(cli.BaseCli): # tCheck
[docs] def __init__(self): # tCheck """Tool similar to :class:`~k1lib.cli.trace.trace` to check whether all type hint outputs of all clis are good or not. Example:: assert range(1, 3) | tCheck() | item() | op()*2 == 2 Mainly used in cli unit tests. Return type of statement will be :class:`tCheck`, which might be undesirable, so you can pipe it to :attr:`~k1lib.cli.init.yieldT` like this:: # returns tCheck object range(1, 3) | tCheck() | item() | op()*2 # returns number "2" range(1, 3) | tCheck() | item() | op()*2 | yieldT""" # tCheck self.inp = None # tCheck
[docs] def __ror__(self, v): self.inp = v; return self # tCheck
def __or__(self, op): # tCheck if op is yieldT: return self.inp # tCheck self.inp = _tCheck(self.inp, op); return self # tCheck def __eq__(self, v): return self.inp == v # tCheck
[docs]class tOpt(cli.BaseCli): # tOpt _passes = []; _serialPasses = [] # tOpt _passStruct = {}; _serialStruct = {} # tOpt n = 10 # tOpt
[docs] def __init__(self): # tOpt """Optimizes clis. Let's say you have something like this:: range(1000) | toList() | head() | deref() For whatever reason you forgot that you've dereferenced everything in the middle, although you're only using 10 first elements, so the code can't be lazy anymore. You can apply optimizations to it like this:: range(1000) | tOpt() | toList() | head() | deref() This will effectively turn it into this:: range(1000) | tOpt() | head() | deref() Normally, you'd use it in this form instead:: # returns the optimized cli f = "file.txt" | tOpt() | cat() | shape(0) | tOpt # then you can do this to pass it through as usual "other file.txt" | f Checkout the `llvm optimizer tutorial <llvm.html>` for a more in-depth explanation of this More over, this combines nicely with :class:`~k1lib.cli.trace.trace` like this:: range(5) | tOpt() | trace() | apply(op()**2) | deref()""" # tOpt self.inp = None; self.clis = [] # tOpt self._out = yieldT # tOpt
@staticmethod # tOpt def _addBasePass(p, abstractness=1): # tOpt """Adds an optimization pass that acts upon a single cli. Example:: def o1(c:BaseCli, t:tBase): if ...: return aS(lambda x: x**2) else: return None tOpt._addBasePass(o1, 6) """ # tOpt tOpt._passes.append([p, round(max(min(abstractness, 2), 1))]) # tOpt passStruct = {} # tOpt for a1 in range(2, 0, -1): # tOpt passStruct[a1] = [] # tOpt for p, a2 in tOpt._passes: # tOpt if a2 == a1: passStruct[a1].append(p) # tOpt tOpt._passStruct = passStruct # tOpt
[docs] @staticmethod # tOpt def addPass(p, klasses:List[cli.BaseCli]=[], abstractness=3): # tOpt """Adds an optimization pass that acts upon multiple clis in series. Example:: # cs: list of clis, ts: list of input type hints, 1 for each cli def o1(cs:List[BaseCli], ts:List[tBase], metadata={}): return [cs[1], cs[0]] # reorder the clis tOpt.addPass(o1, [toList, head], 3) Here, we're declaring an optimization pass ``o1``. You will be given a list of cli objects, the cli's input type hints and some extra metadata. If you can optimize it, then you should return a list of new clis, else you should return None Also, ``abstractness`` has varying number of legal values: - 1-5: generic optimizations - 6-10: analysis passes. Passes must not return anything Higher abstraction optimizations will be called first, and then lower abstraction optimizations will be called later. So, the idea is, just like LLVM, you can do some analysis which will compute metadata that you can use in your optimization passes, which will return optimized clis if it can. Within optimization passes, you can prioritize optimizations that look at the global picture first, before breaking the code up into tiny fragments with more detailed optimizations, at which point it's hard to look at the global picture. :param p: the optimization pass :param klasses: list of cli classes in series that will trigger the pass :param abstractness: how abstract is this optimization""" # tOpt tOpt._serialPasses.append([p, tuple(klasses), round(max(min(abstractness, 15), 1))]) # tOpt serialStruct = {} # tOpt for a1 in range(15, 0, -1): # tOpt serialStruct[a1] = defaultdict(lambda: []) # tOpt for p, klasses, a2 in tOpt._serialPasses: # tOpt if a2 == a1: serialStruct[a1][klasses].append(p) # tOpt tOpt._serialStruct = serialStruct # tOpt
[docs] @staticmethod # tOpt def clearPasses(): # tOpt """Clears all passes""" # tOpt tOpt._passes = []; tOpt._serialPasses = [] # tOpt tOpt._passStruct = {}; tOpt._serialStruct = {} # tOpt addSerialOpt() # tOpt
@property # tOpt def out(self): # tOpt if self._out == yieldT: # tOpt if isinstance(self.inp, cli.BaseCli): # tOpt self.clis = [self.inp, *self.clis]; self.inp = None # tOpt # why wrap 2 times? We want passes to select klasses=[serial] # tOpt c = cli.serial(cli.serial(*self.clis)); t = inferType(self.inp) # tOpt # start optimization passes here # tOpt for i in range(tOpt.n): # tOpt atLeastOnce = False #print("-"*50) # tOpt for passes in tOpt._passStruct.values(): # tOpt for p in passes: # tOpt repl = p(c, t) # tOpt if repl is not None: atLeastOnce = True; c = repl # optimized version # tOpt if not atLeastOnce: break # tOpt assert isinstance(c, cli.serial) and len(c.clis) == 1 # tOpt self._optCli = c.clis[0]; self._out = self.inp | c # tOpt return self._out # tOpt @property # tOpt def optCli(self): # tOpt """Grabs the optimized cli. Example:: # returns optimized cli (range(5) | tOpt() | apply(op()**2) | deref()).optCli # you can also do it like this: range(5) | tOpt() | apply(op()**2) | deref() | tOpt.optCli # or even shorter like this: range(5) | tOpt() | apply(op()**2) | deref() | tOpt """ # tOpt self.out; return self._optCli # tOpt
[docs] def __ror__(self, it): self.inp = it; return self # tOpt
def __iter__(self): return iter(self.out) # tOpt def __or__(self, o): # tOpt if o is yieldT: return self.out # tOpt if o is tOpt.optCli or o is tOpt: # tOpt return self.optCli # tOpt self.clis.append(o); return self # tOpt def __repr__(self): return f"{self.out}" # tOpt def __eq__(self, v): return self.out == v # tOpt def __bool__(self): return self.out # tOpt
class window(cli.BaseCli): # window def __init__(self, n, newList=False): # window self.n = n # window def __ror__(self, it): # window n = self.n; before = []; q = deque([], n) # window it = iter(it) # window for e in it: # window q.append(e) # window if len(q) == n: # window yield before, tuple(q), it; before.append(q.popleft()) # window def grabTypes(cs, t): # grabTypes ts = [t] # grabTypes for c in cs: t = c._typehint(t); ts.append(t) # grabTypes return ts # grabTypes def grabKlasses(iKlasses): return [type(e) for e in iKlasses] # grabKlasses depth = 0; debug = False # grabKlasses def serialOpt(c, t, metadata=None): # serialOpt """Optimizes ``c``, which is supposed to be a :class:`~init.serial` object, with the input type hint ``t``. If it can actually optimize it, then it will return a new :class:`~init.serial` object, else it returns None.""" # serialOpt if debug: global depth; depth += 1; print(f"serial depth: {depth}") # serialOpt if metadata is None: metadata = {"route": []} # serialOpt # returns None, or a new serial object # serialOpt if not isinstance(c, cli.serial): # serialOpt if debug: print(f"out depth, not serial: {depth}"); depth -= 1 # serialOpt return None # serialOpt metadata["route"].append("serial") # serialOpt cs = c.clis; ts = grabTypes(cs, t) # serialOpt if debug: print(f"serialOpt: {[c.__class__.__name__ for c in cs]}, {ts}") # serialOpt for windowSize in range(1, len(cs)+1): # serialOpt for a, e, c in [cs, ts] | cli.transpose() | window(windowSize): # serialOpt iKlasses, ths = e | cli.transpose() # serialOpt klasses = tuple(type(e) for e in iKlasses) # serialOpt #print(klasses) # serialOpt for e in tOpt._serialStruct.values(): # serialOpt if klasses in e: # serialOpt for p in e[klasses]: # serialOpt res = p(iKlasses, ths, metadata) # serialOpt #print(f"serial p: {p}, res: {0}, klasses: {klasses}") # serialOpt if res is not None: # serialOpt a = a | cli.toList(); c = c | cli.toList() # serialOpt if debug: print(f"out depth new: {depth}"); depth -= 1 # serialOpt metadata["route"].pop() # serialOpt return cli.serial(*(a | cli.transpose() | cli.item() if len(a) > 0 else []), # serialOpt *res, # serialOpt *(c | cli.transpose() | cli.item() if len(c) > 0 else [])) # serialOpt if debug: print(f"out depth none: {depth}"); depth -= 1 # serialOpt metadata["route"].pop() # serialOpt def addSerialOpt(): # addSerialOpt tOpt._addBasePass(serialOpt, 5) # addSerialOpt def inner(cs, ts, metadata): # addSerialOpt res = serialOpt(cs[0], ts[0], metadata) # addSerialOpt return None if res is None else [res] # addSerialOpt tOpt.addPass(inner, [cli.serial], 15) # addSerialOpt try: cli.optimizations.basics() # cyclic include, so mainly intended for regular use after first initialization # addSerialOpt except: pass # addSerialOpt tOpt.clearPasses(); # addSerialOpt