k1lib.fmt module
This module is for color formats, units and whatnot. This is exposed automatically with:
from k1lib.imports import *
fmt.txt # exposed
- k1lib.fmt.size(_bytes=0)[source]
Formats disk size. Example:
# returns "50.0 bytes" fmt.size(50) # returns "12.0 MB" fmt.size(1.2e7)
- k1lib.fmt.fromSize(s: str) int [source]
Grabs size from string representation. Example:
fromSize("31.5k") # returns 31500 fromSize("31.5kB") # also returns 31500
- k1lib.fmt.dollar(_dollar=0)[source]
Formats dollar. Example:
# returns '50.0 $' fmt.dollar(50) # returns '12.0 M$' fmt.dollar(1.2e7)
I know this format looks kinda terrible, instead of “million” or “billion” written out loud, but that’s long, so let’s still do the short metric prefix
- k1lib.fmt.sizeOf(l: Iterator[float]) Tuple[str, Iterator[float]] [source]
Figures out appropriate scale, scales back the Iterator, and return both. Example:
x = torch.abs(torch.randn(2)) * 1e4 + 1e5 label, t = fmt.sizeOf(x) # label is "kB" (t | toTensor()).min() # min value should be close to 100
- k1lib.fmt.comp(flop=0)[source]
Formats computation amount. Example:
# returns "50.0 FLOPs" fmt.computation(50) # returns "50.0 MFLOPs" fmt.computation(5e7)
- k1lib.fmt.compRate(flops=0)[source]
Formats computation rate. Example:
# returns "50.0 FLOPS" fmt.computationRate(50) # returns "50.0 MFLOPS" fmt.computationRate(5e7)
- k1lib.fmt.time(seconds=0)[source]
Formats small times. Example:
fmt.time(50) # returns "50.0 s" fmt.time(4000) # returns "4000.0 s" fmt.time(0.02) # returns "20.0 ms" fmt.time(1e-5) # returns "10.0 us"
- k1lib.fmt.item(n=0)[source]
Formats generic item. Example:
# returns "50.0" fmt.item(50) # returns "500.0 k" fmt.item(5e5)
- k1lib.fmt.throughput(n, unit='')[source]
Formats item throughput. Example:
# returns "3.16/year" fmt.throughput(1e-7) # returns "2.63/month" fmt.throughput(1e-6) # returns "3.6/hour" fmt.throughput(1e-3) # returns "100.0 k/s" throughput(1e5) # returns "100.0 k epochs/s" throughput(1e5, " epochs")
- Parameters
n – items per second
unit – optional item unit
- class k1lib.fmt.txt[source]
Text formatting. Example:
# will print out red text print(fmt.txt.red("some text"))
- k1lib.fmt.h(code: str, level: int = 1) str [source]
Wraps content inside a ‘h’ html tag. Example:
fmt.h("abc", 2) # returns "<h2>abc</h2>"
- Parameters
level – what’s the header level?
- k1lib.fmt.pre(code: str, extras: str = '') str [source]
Wraps content inside a ‘pre’ html tag. Example:
- k1lib.fmt.row(args, margin=10)[source]
Creates a html row of all the elements. Example:
fmt.row(["abc", "def"]) | aS(IPython.display.HTML)
- k1lib.fmt.col(args, margin=10)[source]
Creates a html col of all the elements. Example:
fmt.col(["abc", "def"]) | aS(IPython.display.HTML)
- k1lib.fmt.colors()[source]
Returns an infinite iterator that cycles through 12 colors. Example:
fmt.colors() | head(3) | deref()
Color scheme taken from https://colorbrewer2.org/#type=qualitative&scheme=Set3&n=12
- k1lib.fmt.rmAnsi(text)[source]
Removes ansi escape characters, courtesy of https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14693701/how-can-i-remove-the-ansi-escape-sequences-from-a-string-in-python.