k1lib library
This library enables piping in Python, and has a lot of prebuilt functionalities to support this workflow.
pip install k1lib[all]
This will install lots of heavy dependencies like PyTorch. If you want to install the leanest version of the library, do this instead:
pip install k1lib
To use it in a notebook, do this:
from k1lib.imports import *
Check out the source code for “k1lib.imports” if you’re curious what it’s importing. If you hate * imports for whatever reason, you can import cli tools individually, like this:
from k1lib.cli import ls, cat, grep, apply, batched, display
# returns [0, 1, 4, 9, 16], kinda like map
range(5) | apply(lambda x: x**2) | deref()
# plotting the function y = x^2
x = np.linspace(-2, 2); y = x**2
plt.plot(x, y) # normal way
[x, y] | ~aS(plt.plot) # pipe way
# plotting the functions y = x**2, y = x**3, y = x**4
x = np.linspace(-2, 2)
[2, 3, 4] | apply(lambda exp: [x, x**exp]) | ~apply(plt.plot) | deref()
# loading csv file and displaying first 10 rows in a nice table
cat("abc.csv") | apply(lambda x: x.split(",")) | display()
# searching for "gene_name: ..." lines in a file and display a nice overview of just the gene names alone
cat("abc.txt") | grep("gene_name: ") | apply(lambda x: x.split(": ")[1]) | batched(4) | display()
# manipulate numpy arrays and pytorch tensors
a = np.random.randn(3, 4, 5)
a | transpose() | shape() # returns (4, 3, 5)
a | transpose(0, 2) | shape() # returns (5, 4, 3)
# loading images from categories and splitting them into train and valid sets. Image url: dataset/categoryA/image1.jpg
train, valid = ls("dataset") | apply(ls() | splitW()) | transpose() | deref()
# shape of output is (train/valid, category, image url). It was (category, train/valid, image url) before going through transpose()
# executing task in multiple processes
range(10_000_000) | batched(1_000_000) | applyMp(toSum()) | toSum()
# this splits numbers from 0 to 10M into 10 batches, and then sum each batch in parallel, and then sum the results of each batch
# executing task in multiple processes on multiple computers
range(10_000_000) | batched(1_000_000) | applyCl(toSum()) | toSum()
You can combine these “cli tools” together in really complex ways to do really complex
manipulation really fast and with little code. Hell, you can even create a full blown
PyTorch dataloader from scratch where you’re in control of every detail, operating in 7
dimensions, in multiple processes on multiple nodes, in just 6 lines of code. Check over
the basics of it here: k1lib.cli
After doing that, you can check out the tutorials to get a large overview of how everything integrates together nicely.
Repo is at https://github.com/157239n/k1lib/. Also, if you have any function that looks strange, use the search bar on the top left to quickly lookup stuff.
- k1lib._k1a module
- k1lib.k1ui module
- k1lib.eqn module
- k1lib.fmt module
- k1lib.graphEqn module
- k1lib.imports module
- k1lib.mo module
- k1lib.kast module
- k1lib.kcom module
- k1lib.knn module
- k1lib.kop module
- k1lib.kws module
- k1lib.p5 module
- k1lib.schedule module
- k1lib.selector module
- k1lib.selen module
- k1lib.serpent module
- k1lib.serve module
- k1lib.viz module
- k1lib.zircon module