k1lib.viz module
This module is for nice visualization tools. This is exposed automatically with:
from k1lib.imports import *
viz.mask # exposed
- class k1lib.viz.SliceablePlot(plotF: Callable[[slice], None], slices: Union[slice, List[slice]] = slice(None, None, None), plotDecorators: List[_PlotDecorator] = [], docs='')[source]
This is a plot that is “sliceable”, meaning you can focus into a particular region of the plot quickly. A minimal example looks something like this:
import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, k1lib x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100) def normalF(): plt.plot(x, x**2) @k1lib.viz.SliceablePlot.decorate def plotF(_slice): plt.plot(x[_slice], (x**2)[_slice]) plotF()[70:] # plots x^2 equation with x in [0.8, 2]
plots the equation \(x^2\) with x going from -2 to 2. You can convert this into aSliceablePlot
by adding a term of typeslice
to the args, and decorate withdecorate()
. Now, every time you slice theSliceablePlot
with a specific range,plotF
will receive it.How intuitive everything is depends on how you slice your data.
results in x in [0.8, 2] is rather unintuitive. You can change it into something like this:@k1lib.viz.SliceablePlot.decorate def niceF(_slice): n = 100; r = k1lib.Range(-2, 2) x = np.linspace(*r, n) _slice = r.toRange(k1lib.Range(n), r.bound(_slice)).slice_ plt.plot(x[_slice], (x**2)[_slice]) # this works without a decorator too btw: k1lib.viz.SliceablePlot(niceF) niceF()[0.3:0.7] # plots x^2 equation with x in [0.3, 0.7] niceF()[0.3:] # plots x^2 equation with x in [0.3, 2]
The idea is to just take the input
, put some bounds on its parts, then convert that slice from [-2, 2] to [0, 100]. Check outk1lib.Range
if it’s not obvious how this works.A really cool feature of
looks like this:niceF().legend(["A"])[-1:].grid(True).yscale("log")
This will plot \(x^2\) with range in [-1, 2] with a nice grid, and with y axis’s scale set to log. Essentially, undefined method calls on a
will translate intoplt
calls. So the above is roughly equivalent to this:x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100) plt.plot(x, x**2) plt.legend(["A"]) plt.grid(True) plt.yscale("log")
This works even if you have multiple axes inside your figure. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?
- k1lib.viz.plotSegments(x: List[float], y: List[float], states: List[int], colors: Optional[List[str]] = None)[source]
Plots a line graph, with multiple segments with different colors.
Idea is, you have a normal line graph, but you want to color parts of the graph red, other parts blue. Then, you can pass a “state” array, with the same length as your data, filled with ints, like this:
y = np.array([ 460800, 921600, 921600, 1445888, 1970176, 1970176, 2301952, 2633728, 2633728, 3043328, 3452928, 3452928, 3457024, 3461120, 3463680, 3463680, 3470336, 3470336, 3467776, 3869184, 3865088, 3865088, 3046400, 2972672, 2972672, 2309632, 2504192, 2504192, 1456128, 1393664, 1393664, 472576]) s = np.array([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]) plotSegments(None, y, s, colors=["tab:blue", "tab:red"])
- Parameters
x – (nullable) list of x coordinate at each point
y – list of y coordinates at each point
states – list of color at each point
colors – string colors (matplotlib color strings) to display for each states
- class k1lib.viz.Carousel(searchMode: int = 0)[source]
- __init__(searchMode: int = 0)[source]
Creates a new Carousel that can flip through a list of images/html. Will even work even when you export the notebook as html. Example:
x = np.linspace(-2, 2); plt.plot(x, x ** 2); im1 = plt.gcf() | toImg() x = np.linspace(-1, 3); plt.plot(x, x ** 2); im2 - plt.gcf() | toImg() im3 = "<h1>abc</h1><div>Some content</div>" # can add html [im1, im2, im3] | viz.Carousel() # displays in notebook cell
There’s also a builtin search functionality that works like this:
[ "<h1>abc</h1><div>Some content 1</div>", "<h1>def</h1><div>Some other content 2</div>", "<h1>ghi</h1><div>Another content 3</div>", ] | Carousel(searchMode=1) [ ["<h1>abc</h1>", "<div>Some content 1</div>"], ["<h1>def</h1>", "<div>Some other content 2</div>"], ["<h1>ghi</h1>", "<div>Another content 3</div>"], ] | Carousel(searchMode=2)
The first mode will search for some text inside the html content. The second mode will search inside the title only, that means it’s expecting to receive Iterator[title, html/img]
- Parameters
imgs – List of initial images. Can add more images later on by using
searchMode – 0 for no search, accepts Iterator[html/img], 1 for search content, accepts Iterator[html/img], 2 for search title, accepts Iterator[title, html/img]
- class k1lib.viz.Toggle[source]
- __init__()[source]
Button to toggle whether the content is displayed or not. Useful if the html content is very big in size. Example:
x = np.linspace(-2, 2); plt.plot(x, x ** 2) plt.gcf() | toImg() | toHtml() | viz.Toggle()
This will plot a graph, then create a button where you can toggle the image’s visibility
- class k1lib.viz.ToggleImage[source]
This function is sort of legacy. It’s just
img | toHtml() | viz.Toggle()
- class k1lib.viz.Scroll(height=300)[source]
- __init__(height=300)[source]
Creates a new preview html component. If content is too long, then it will only show the first 500px, then have a button to expand and view the rest. Example:
x = np.linspace(-2, 2); plt.plot(x, x ** 2) plt.gcf() | toImg() | toHtml() | viz.Scroll()
This will plot a preview of a graph :param height: height of the parent container
- k1lib.viz.confusionMatrix(matrix: Tensor, categories: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs)[source]
Plots a confusion matrix. Example:
k1lib.viz.confusionMatrix(torch.rand(5, 5), ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"])
- Parameters
matrix – 2d matrix of shape (n, n)
categories – list of string categories
kwargs – keyword args passed into
- k1lib.viz.FAnim(fig, f, frames, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Matplotlib function animation, 60fps. Example:
# line below so that the animation is displayed in the notebook. Included in :mod:`k1lib.imports` already, so you don't really have to do this! plt.rcParams["animation.html"] = "jshtml" x = np.linspace(-2, 2); y = x**2 fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.close() # close cause it'll display 1 animation, 1 static if we don't do this def f(frame): ax.clear() ax.set_ylim(0, 4); ax.set_xlim(-2, 2) ax.plot(x[:frame], y[:frame]) k1lib.FAnim(fig, f, len(x)) # plays animation in cell
- Parameters
fig – figure object from plt.figure(…) command
f – function that accepts 1 frame from frames.
frames – number of frames, or iterator, to pass into function