k1lib.p5 module

A quick and dirty tiny module emulating the p5js environment. I made this because I have used Processing extensively in the past, and would like a simple interface to draw stuff. Processing doesn’t really exist on Python (yes, I know of Processing’s python mode, but it’s Jython, not pure python!), so I made this based upon the drawsvg library. Download that before using this module. Example:

from k1lib.imports import *

p5.newSketch(200, 200); p5.background(150)
p5.rect(0, 0, 60, 60)
with p5.context(): # all style changes here will be reverted on exiting the context
    p5.fill(255, 0, 0)
    p5.rect(0, 0, 60, 50)
p5.rect(0, 0, 30, 30)
p5.fill(255, 180); p5.ellipse(60, 50, 20)
p5.textSize(12); p5.text("abc", 30, 30)
with p5.context():
    p5.fill(0, 0, 255); p5.noStroke(); p5.textSize(20)
    p5.text("def", 60, 60)
p5.img() # get PIL image


k1lib.p5.color(r, g=None, b=None, alpha=255)[source]

Get hex representation of a color. Example:

p5.color(255, 0, 0) # returns "#ff0000ff", red
p5.color(255, 0, 0, 100) # returns "#ff000064", transparent red
p5.color(255, 100) # returns "#ffffff64", transparent white
k1lib.p5.newSketch(w, h, flip=True, pad=0, scale=1, xoff=0, yoff=0)[source]

Creates a new sketch with specified height and width.

If pad, scale, xoff or yoff is specified, it will pad the sketch then scale it up with that amount. In other words, the true width (in pixels) is going to be w*scale + 2*pad, true height is h*scale + 2*pad. Then, all coordinates will be (x-xoff)*scale + pad and (y-yoff)*scale + pad, and any radius/size will be r*scale.

  • flip – if True (default), use mathematical coordinate (y increases from bottom of image to top), else use programming coordinate (y increases from top of image to bottom). This only affects the y axis, leaving x axis and radiuses alone

  • xoff – x offset. If specified, along side with yoff, then the sketch will have the point (xoff,yoff) at origin


Sets fill color


Turns off fill color


Sets stroke color


Turns off stroke color

k1lib.p5.ellipse(x, y, w)[source]

Draws a circle at a particular location. Can’t truly draw ellipses cause idk how

k1lib.p5.arc(x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle)[source]

Draws an arc.

If in mathematical coordinates, will go counter clockwise from startAngle to endAngle. If in programming coordinates, will go counter clockwise instead.

If startAngle < endAngle, and the difference between them is also pretty small (say 45deg), then the sweep angle will also be small. If startAngle > endAngle, then the sweep angle is going to be very big (360-45)

k1lib.p5.rect(x, y, w, h, r=0)[source]

Draws a rectangle.


r – border radius


Sets the text size. This is affected by the global scaling factor specified in newSketch()

k1lib.p5.text(s, x, y)[source]

Draws text at a specific location.


Changes the background color


Returns a PIL image of the sketch

class k1lib.p5.Entity(*args)[source]

Bases: BaseCli


Geometry-building package.

So, within p5 module, there’s sort of like a submodule that deals with geometrical data that allows you to define things like in Geogebra, whose work I’m a huge fan of. Here’s how it works:

# creates an IR (intermediate representation) that defines 2 points and a line connecting the 2 points
ir = None | p5.point_raw("P1", 3, 4) | p5.point_raw("P2", 5, 8) | p5.line_2P("L1", "P1", "P2")
# calculates the exact position of all entities within the IR, and calculate some meta information
ir = ir | aS(p5.IR.calc) | aS(p5.IR.calcMeta)
# create a p5 sketch, setup some initial variables
p5.newSketch(400, 400); p5.background(155); p5.textSize(16)
# creates an image from the IR
IR.display(ir); im = p5.img()

The idea is, you can define the sketch however you like, with relationships between them (like how a line is made of 2 points, or construct a circle with a specified center that passes through another point). After that, you’ll receive the IR, which is a simple object that can be turned into a json that can be understood by other parts of your system.

After you got the IR, you can calculate the precise location of every element with IR.calc(). Then you can calculate extra metadata about the viewing frame to display it on with IR.calcMeta(). Finally, you can do IR.display()

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str) List[str][source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str) List[float][source]
classmethod bounds(ir, name: str) List[float][source]
classmethod display(ir, name: str, meta)[source]
class k1lib.p5.Point(*args)[source]

Bases: Entity

classmethod display(ir, name)[source]
classmethod bounds(ir, name)[source]
class k1lib.p5.point_raw(name: str, x: float, y: float, props=None)[source]

Bases: Point

__init__(name: str, x: float, y: float, props=None)[source]

Creates a point from actual raw coordinates. See also: Entity

  • name – name of point

  • x – position on x axis

  • y – position on y axis

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str)[source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str)[source]
k1lib.p5.point_rnd(name: str, props=None)[source]

Creates a point with a random location. See also: Entity


name – name of point

class k1lib.p5.point_sym(name: str, p1: str, pm: str, props=None)[source]

Bases: Point

__init__(name: str, p1: str, pm: str, props=None)[source]

Creates a point which is symmetric to point “p1” around point “pm”. Basically, “pm” is the midpoint of “p1” and the new point. See also: Entity

  • name – name of point

  • p1 – name of the other point

  • pm – name of the middle point

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str)[source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str)[source]
class k1lib.p5.point_L(name: str, l1: str, f: float, props=None)[source]

Bases: Point

__init__(name: str, l1: str, f: float, props=None)[source]

Creates a point on a line at a particular fraction. If “f” is 0.1, it’ll be close to the first point of the line, if “f” is 0.9, it’ll be close to the second point of the line.

  • name – name of point

  • l1 – name of line that the point is on

  • f – fraction between the 2 points on the line. Can be any number, not just from 0 to 1

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str)[source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str)[source]
k1lib.p5.triangle(p1: str, p2: str, p3: str, props1=None, props2=None, props3=None)[source]

Creates 3 random points that looks like a reasonable triangle, with flat base and pointy upward tip.

  • p1 – name of first point

  • props1 – optional properties of the first point

class k1lib.p5.Line(*args)[source]

Bases: Entity

classmethod display(ir, name)[source]
classmethod bounds(ir, name)[source]
class k1lib.p5.line_2P(name: str, p1: str, p2: str, prevF: float = 0, nextF: float = 0, props=None)[source]

Bases: Line

__init__(name: str, p1: str, p2: str, prevF: float = 0, nextF: float = 0, props=None)[source]

Creates a line that connects 2 points together. See also: Entity

  • name – name of line

  • p1 – name of first point

  • p2 – name of second point

  • prevF – “previous fraction”. How much should the line extend past the first point as a fraction of the distance between p1 and p2

  • nextF – “next fraction”. How much should the line extend past the second point as a fraction of the distance between p1 and p2

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str)[source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str)[source]
class k1lib.p5.line_2PL(name: str, p1: str, p2: str, l: float, props=None)[source]

Bases: Line

__init__(name: str, p1: str, p2: str, l: float, props=None)[source]

Creates a line that connects 2 points together that starts at the first point and has specific length. If extended indefinitely, it will pass through the second point, but in its normal state, it doesn’t have to pass through or can overshoot the second point. Useful for creating rays. See also: Entity

  • name – name of the line

  • p1 – name of first point

  • p2 – name of second point

  • l – length of line

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str)[source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str)[source]
class k1lib.p5.Circle(*args)[source]

Bases: Entity

classmethod display(ir, name)[source]
classmethod bounds(ir, name)[source]
class k1lib.p5.circle_PR(name: str, p1: str, radius: float, props=None)[source]

Bases: Circle

__init__(name: str, p1: str, radius: float, props=None)[source]

Creates a circle from a center point and a radius. See also: Entity

  • name – name of circle

  • p1 – name of the center point

  • radius – radius of the circle

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str)[source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str)[source]
class k1lib.p5.circle_2P(name: str, pc: str, p2: str, props=None)[source]

Bases: Circle

__init__(name: str, pc: str, p2: str, props=None)[source]

Creates a circle from a center point that passes through another point. See also: Entity

  • name – name of circle

  • pc – name of the center point

  • p2 – name of the second point that the circle passes through

classmethod dependsOn(ir, name: str)[source]

Should return List[name]]

classmethod calc(ir, name: str)[source]
class k1lib.p5.grid(name='grid-0', props=None)[source]

Bases: Entity

__init__(name='grid-0', props=None)[source]

Adds a grid to the plot. See also: Entity

classmethod display(ir, name)[source]
class k1lib.p5.axes(name='axes-0', props=None)[source]

Bases: Entity

__init__(name='axes-0', props=None)[source]

Adds xy axis to the plot. See also: Entity

classmethod display(ir, name)[source]
class k1lib.p5.IR[source]

Bases: object

Intermediate representation of a whole graph

static dep(ir) Iterator[str][source]
static calc(ir)[source]
static bounds(ir)[source]
static calcMeta(ir, w=400, h=400)[source]
static display(ir, w=400, h=400)[source]
static dist_2P(ir, o1: str, o2: str)[source]

Calculates distance between 2 objects given their names

static length_L(ir, line: str)[source]

Calculates the length of a specific line

static angle_2L(ir, l1: str, l2: str) ``radians``[source]

Calculates the angle between 2 lines