k1lib._k1a module

k1a is a supplementary library to this library that accelerates a lot of functionalities by compiling to C. It’s exposed in this main library as the module _k1a. When you install the library using pip install k1lib[all], k1a is automatically installed along with it. At the moment, this only work on linux systems, could work on mac, and won’t work on windows. Let’s see an example:

from k1lib.imports import *

# returns ['ok', '"protein A"', 'other'], faster
k1a.str_split('ok "protein A" other', " ")
# also returns ['ok', '"protein A"', 'other'], explicitly pure python, slower
k1a.py.str_split('ok "protein A" other', " ")

If k1a can’t be installed on your system, then the code above would still work as usual, just slower:

from k1lib.imports import *

# defaults to python version `k1a.py.str_split` if k1a can't be installed
k1a.str_split('ok "protein A" other', " ")
# explicitly python version
k1a.py.str_split('ok "protein A" other', " ")

This works the same for every function provided here. If you dislike importing everything into the namespace, then you have to do something like this:

import k1lib._k1a as k1a
k1a.str_split('ok "protein A" other', " ")

Again, this will use the C version if k1a is truly available, else use the python version.


str_split(s, ch). Splits string into multiple fragments using a delimiter, respecting quotes.

Example: k1a.str_split(“‘ab’cdb3”, “b”) == [“‘ab’cd”, “3”]