Base module


This is actually an object of type Settings:

- displayCutoff       = 50                                                    ​                                 ​cutoff length when displaying a Settings object
- svgScale            = 0.7                                                   ​                                 ​default svg scales for clis that displays graphviz graphs
- wd                  = /home/kelvin/repos/labs/k1lib/docs                    ​                                 ​default working directory, will get from `os.getcwd()`. Will update using `os.chdir()` automatically when changed
- cancelRun_newLine   = True                                                  ​                                 ​whether to add a new line character at the end of the cancel run/epoch/batch message
- pushNotificationKey = k-968979f2a1e9                                        ​                                 ​API key for `k1lib.pushNotification()`. See docs of that for more info
- startup             = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​these settings have to be applied like this: `import k1lib; k1lib.settings.startup.or_patch = False; from k1lib.imports import *` to ensure that the values are set
  - init_ray         = True                                                   ​                                 ​whether to connect to ray's cluster accessible locally automatically
  - import_optionals = True                                                   ​                                 ​whether to try to import optional dependencies automatically or not. Set this to False if you want a faster load time, but with reduced functionalities
  - or_patch         = <Settings>                                             ​                                 ​whether to patch __or__() method for several C-extension datatypes (numpy array, dict, etc). This would make cli operations with them a lot more pleasant, but might cause strange bugs. Haven't met them myself though
    - numpy = True                                                            ​                                 ​whether to patch numpy arrays
    - dict  = True                                                            ​                                 ​whether to patch Python dict keys and items
- cred                = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​general default credentials for other places in the system
  - sql   = <Settings>                                                        ​                                 ​anything related to sql, used by k1lib.cli.lsext.sql. See docs for that class for more details
    - mode     = my                                                           ​env: K1_SQL_MODE                 ​
    - host     =                                                    ​env: K1_SQL_HOST                 ​host name of db server, or db file name if mode='lite'. Warning: mysql's mysqldump won't resolve domain names, so it's best to pass in ip addresses
    - port     = 3306                                                         ​env: K1_SQL_PORT                 ​
    - user     = <redacted>                                                   ​env: K1_SQL_USER                 ​
    - password = <redacted>                                                   ​env: K1_SQL_PASSWORD             ​
  - minio = <Settings>                                                        ​                                 ​anything related to minio buckets, used by k1lib.cli.lsext.minio
    - host       = http://mint-2.l:9010                                       ​env: K1_MINIO_HOST               ​
    - access_key = <redacted>                                                 ​env: K1_MINIO_ACCESS_KEY         ​
    - secret_key = <redacted>                                                 ​env: K1_MINIO_SECRET_KEY         ​
  - redis = <Settings>                                                        ​                                 ​anything related to redis, used by k1lib.cli.lsext.Redis
    - host    = localhost                                                     ​env: K1_REDIS_HOST               ​location of the redis server
    - port    = 6379                                                          ​env: K1_REDIS_PORT               ​port the redis server use
    - expires = 60                                                            ​env: K1_REDIS_EXPIRES            ​seconds before the message deletes itself. Can be float('inf'), or 'inf' for the env variable
- cli                 = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​from k1lib.cli module
  - defaultDelim  =                                                           ​                                 ​default delimiter used in-between columns when creating tables. Defaulted to tab character.
  - defaultIndent =                                                           ​                                 ​default indent used for displaying nested structures
  - strict        = False                                                     ​                                 ​turning it on can help you debug stuff, but could also be a pain to work with
  - inf           = inf                                                       ​                                 ​infinity definition for many clis. Here because you might want to temporarily not loop things infinitely
  - quiet         = False                                                     ​                                 ​whether to mute extra outputs from clis or not
  - arrayTypes    = (<class 'torch.Tensor'>, <class 'numpy.ndarray'>)         ​                                 ​default array types used to accelerate clis
  - font          = /home/kelvin/ssd/data/fonts/Courier_Prime/Couri...        ​                                 ​default font file. Best to use .ttf files, used by toImg()
  - smooth        = 10                                                        ​                                 ​default smooth amount, used in utils.smooth
  - atomic        = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​classes/types that are considered atomic and specified cli tools should never try to iterate over them
    - baseAnd  = (<class 'numbers.Number'>, <class 'numpy.number...           ​                                 ​used by BaseCli.__and__
    - typeHint = (<class 'numbers.Number'>, <class 'numpy.number...           ​                                 ​atomic types used for infering type of object for optimization passes
    - deref    = (<class 'numbers.Number'>, <class 'numpy.number...           ​                                 ​used by deref
  - llvm          = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​settings related to LLVM-inspired optimizer `tOpt`. See more at module `k1lib.cli.typehint`
    - k1a = True                                                              ​                                 ​utilize the supplementary C-compiled library automatically for optimizations
  - kjs           = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​cli.kjs settings
    - jsF   = {<class 'str'>: <function <lambda> at 0x7f66062...              ​                                 ​All ._jsF() (cli to JS) transpile functions, looks like Dict[type -> _jsF(meta, **kwargs) transpile func]
    - jsonF = {<class 'range'>: <function _jsonF_range at 0x7...              ​                                 ​All ._jsonF() JSON-serialization functions, looks like Dict[type -> _jsonF(obj) func]. See utils.deref.json() docs
    - pyF   = {}                                                              ​                                 ​(future feature) All ._pyF()   (cli to Python) transpile functions, looks like Dict[type -> _pyF  (meta, **kwargs) transpile func]
    - cppF  = {}                                                              ​                                 ​(future feature) All ._cppF()  (cli to C++)    transpile functions, looks like Dict[type -> _cppF (meta, **kwargs) transpile func]
    - javaF = {}                                                              ​                                 ​(future feature) All ._javaF() (cli to Java)   transpile functions, looks like Dict[type -> _javaF(meta, **kwargs) transpile func]
    - sqlF  = {}                                                              ​                                 ​(future feature) All ._sqlF()  (cli to SQL)    transpile functions, looks like Dict[type -> _sqlF (meta, **kwargs) transpile func]
  - cat           = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​ settings
    - chunkSize = 100000                                                      ​                                 ​file reading chunk size for binary+chunk mode. Decrease it to avoid wasting memory and increase it to avoid disk latency
    - every     = <Settings>                                                  ​                                 ​profiler print frequency
      - text   = 1000                                                         ​                                 ​for text mode, will print every n lines
      - binary = 10                                                           ​                                 ​for binary mode, will print every n 100000-byte blocks
    - pickle    = <Settings>                                                  ​                                 ​ settings

  - RemoteFile    = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​inp.RemoteFile() settings, used in cat(), splitSeek() and the like
    - memoryLimit = 100000000                                                 ​                                 ​if the internal cache exceeds this limit (in bytes), and randomAccess is False, then old downloaded chunks will be deleted
    - timeout     = 10                                                        ​                                 ​seconds before terminating the remote request and retrying
    - retries     = 10                                                        ​                                 ​how many times to retry sending the request before giving up
  - applyCl       = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​modifier.applyCl() settings
    - sudoTimeout = 300                                                       ​                                 ​seconds before deleting the stored password for sudo commands
    - cpuLimit    = None                                                      ​                                 ​if specified (int), will not schedule more jobs if the current number of assigned cpus exceeds this
  - repeat        = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​settings related to repeat() and repeatFrom()
    - infBs = 100                                                             ​                                 ​if dealing with infinite lists, how many elements at a time should be processed?
  - chem          = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​chemistry-related settings
    - imgSize = 200                                                           ​                                 ​default image size used in toImg() when drawing rdkit molecules
  - toCsv         = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​conv.toCsv() settings
    - df = False                                                              ​                                 ​if False, use csv.reader (incrementally), else use pd.read_csv (all at once, might be huge!)
  - toLinks       = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​conv.toLinks() settings
    - splitChars = ['<br>', '<div ', '\n', '\t', '<', '>', ' ', ',...         ​                                 ​characters/strings to split the lines by, so that each link has the opportunity to be on a separate line, so that the first instance in a line don't overshadow everything after it
    - protocols  = ['http', 'https', 'ftp']                                   ​                                 ​list of recognized protocols to search for links, like 'http' and so on
  - models        = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​settings related to k1lib.cli.models
    - cuda    = None                                                          ​                                 ​whether to run the models on the GPU or not. True for GPU, False for CPU. None (default) for GPU if available, else CPU
    - embed   = <Settings>                                                    ​                                 ​
      - model = all-MiniLM-L6-v2                                              ​                                 ​what model to choose from `SentenceTransformer` library
      - bs    = 512                                                           ​                                 ​batch size to feed the model. For all-MiniLM-L6-v2, it seems to be able to deal with anything. I've tried 10k batch and it's still doing good
    - generic = <Settings>                                                    ​                                 ​
      - model = google/flan-t5-xl                                             ​                                 ​what model to choose from `transformers` library
      - bs    = 16                                                            ​                                 ​batch size to feed the model. For flan-t5-xl, 16 seems to be the sweet spot for 24GB VRAM (RTX 3090/4090). Decrease it if you don't have as much VRAM
    - bloom   = <Settings>                                                    ​                                 ​bloom filter settings
      - scalable = <Settings>                                                 ​                                 ​settings for when you don't declare the bloom's capacity ahead of time
        - capacity = 1000                                                     ​                                 ​initial filter's capacity
        - growth   = 4                                                        ​                                 ​how fast does the filter's capacity grow over time when the capacity is reached
  - bio           = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​from module
    - blast      = None                                                       ​                                 ​location of BLAST database
    - go         = None                                                       ​                                 ​location of gene ontology file (.obo)
    - so         = None                                                       ​                                 ​location of sequence ontology file
    - lookupImgs = True                                                       ​                                 ​sort of niche. Whether to auto looks up extra gene ontology relationship images
    - phred      = !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJ                 ​                                 ​Phred quality score
  - kapi          = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​cli.kapi settings
    - local = True                                                            ​                                 ​whether to use local url instead of remote url. This only has relevance to me though, as the services are running on localhost
  - ktree         = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​cli.ktree module settings
    - tok =                                                                  ​                                 ​Special token for internal processing
  - sam           = <Settings>                                                ​                                 ​from k1lib.cli.sam module
    - flags  = ['PAIRED', 'PROPER_PAIR', 'UNMAP', 'MUNMAP', 'R...             ​                                 ​list of flags
    - header = <Settings>                                                     ​                                 ​sam headers
      - short = ['qname', 'flag', 'rname', 'pos', 'mapq', 'ciga...            ​                                 ​
      - long  = ['Query template name', 'Flags', 'Reference seq...            ​                                 ​
- monkey              = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​monkey-patched settings

- fmt                 = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​from k1lib.fmt module
  - separator = True                                                          ​                                 ​whether to have a space between the number and the unit
  - colors    = ['#8dd3c7', '#ffffb3', '#bebada', '#fb8072', '#...            ​                                 ​List of colors to cycle through in fmt.colors()
- k1ui                = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​docs related to k1ui java library
  - server = <Settings>                                                       ​                                 ​server urls
    - http = http://localhost:9511                                            ​                                 ​normal http server
    - ws   = ws://localhost:9512                                              ​                                 ​websocket server
  - draw   = <Settings>                                                       ​                                 ​drawing settings
    - trackHeight = 30                                                        ​                                 ​Track's height in Recording visualization
    - pad         = 10                                                        ​                                 ​Padding between tracks
- kop                 = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​from k1lib.kop module, for optics-related tools
  - colorD  = {'rainbow': [400, 650], 'red': [620, 750], 'ora...              ​                                 ​color wavelength ranges to be used in constructing Rays
  - gps     = {'BK7': (1.03961212, 0.231792344, 1.01046945, 0...              ​                                 ​All builtin glass parameters of the system. All have 6 floats, for B1,B2,B3,C1,C2,C3 parameters used in the sellmeier equation:
  - display = <Settings>                                                      ​                                 ​display settings
    - drawable = <Settings>                                                   ​                                 ​generic draw settings
      - axes      = True                                                      ​                                 ​whether to add x and y axes to the sketch
      - maxWh     = 800                                                       ​                                 ​when drawing a sketch, it will be rescaled so that the maximum of width and height of the final image is this number. Increase to make the sketch bigger
      - grid      = True                                                      ​                                 ​whether to add grid lines to the sketch
      - gridColor = (255, 255, 255)                                           ​                                 ​
    - rays     = <Settings>                                                   ​                                 ​display settings of kop.Rays
      - showOrigin = True                                                     ​                                 ​whether to add a small red dot to the beginning of the mean (x,y) of a Rays or not
      - infLength  = 100                                                      ​                                 ​length in mm to display Rays if their length is infinite
    - surface  = <Settings>                                                   ​                                 ​display settings for kop.Surface class
      - showIndex = True                                                      ​                                 ​whether to show the index of the Surface in an OpticSystem or not
  - consts  = <Settings>                                                      ​                                 ​magic constants throughout the sim. By default works pretty well, but you can tweak these if you need unrealistic setups, like super big focal length, etc
    - inchForward = 1e-06                                                     ​                                 ​after new Rays have been built, inch forward the origin of the new Rays by a this tiny amount so that it 'clears' the last Surface
- eqn                 = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​from k1lib.eqn module
  - spaceBetweenValueSymbol = True                                            ​                                 ​
  - eqnPrintExtras          = True                                            ​                                 ​
- zircon              = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​from k1lib.zircon module
  - http_server      =                              ​                                 ​
  - ws_server        = ws://localhost:8897                                    ​                                 ​
  - conflictDuration = 0                                                      ​                                 ​How many seconds does the Extensions need to not take orders from other Python clients before our Python clients can take over? If too high, there won't be any free Extensions left, and if too low, there will be interference with other ppl
- mo                  = <Settings>                                            ​                                 ​from module
  - overOctet = False                                                         ​                                 ​whether to allow making bonds that exceeds the octet rule

Also, this is exposed automatically, so something like this works:

settings.svgScale = 0.6


class k1lib.Learner[source]

Bases: object

property model

Set this to change the model to run

property data

Set this to change the data (list of 2 dataloader) to run against.

property opt

Set this to change the optimizer. If you’re making your own optimizers, beware to follow the PyTorch’s style guide as there are callbacks that modifies optimizer internals while training like k1lib.schedule.ParamScheduler.

property cbs

The Callbacks object. Initialized to include all the common callbacks. You can set a new one if you want to.

property css: str

The css selector string. Set this to select other parts of the network. After setting, you can access the selector like this: l.selector

See also: ModuleSelector

property lossF

Set this to specify a loss function.


Function to visualize quickly how the network is doing. Undefined by default, just placed here as a convention, so you have to do something like this:

l = k1lib.Learner()
def evaluate(self):
    xbs, ybs, ys = self.Recorder.record(1, 3)
    plt.plot(torch.vstack(xbs), torch.vstack(ys))
l.evaluate = partial(evaluate(l))
__call__(xb, yb=None)

Executes just a small batch. Convenience method to query how the network is doing.

  • xb – x batch

  • yb – y batch. If specified, return (y, loss), else return y alone

static load(fileName: Optional[str] = None)

Loads a Learner from a file. See also: save(). Example:

# this will load up learner in file "skip1_128bs.pth"
l = k1.Learner.load("skip1_128bs")

fileName – if empty, then will prompt for file name

run(epochs: int, batches: Optional[int] = None)

Main run function.

  • epochs – number of epochs to run. 1 epoch is the length of the dataset

  • batches – if set, then cancels the epoch after reaching the specified batch

static sample() Learner

Creates an example learner, just for simple testing stuff anywhere. The network tries to learn the function y=x. Only bare minimum callbacks are included.

save(fileName: Optional[str] = None)

Saves this Learner to file. See also: load(). Does not save the data object, because that’s potentially very big. Example:

l = k1.Learner()
# saves learner to "skip1_128bs.pth" and model to "skip1_128bs.model.pth""skip1_128bs")

fileName – name to save file into

class k1lib.Object[source]

Bases: object

Convenience class that acts like defaultdict. You can use it like a normal object:

a = k1lib.Object()
a.b = 3
print(a.b) # outputs "3"

__repr__() output is pretty nice too:

<class '__main__.Object'>, with attrs:
- b

You can instantiate it from a dict:

a = k1lib.Object.fromDict({"b": 3, "c": 4})
print(a.c) # outputs "4"

And you can specify a default value, just like defaultdict:

a = k1lib.Object().withAutoDeclare(lambda: [])
a.texts.extend(["factorio", "world of warcraft"])
print(a.texts[0]) # outputs "factorio"


Default values only work with variables that don’t start with an underscore “_”.

Treating it like defaultdict is okay too:

a = k1lib.Object().withAutoDeclare(lambda: [])
print(a.movies[0]) # outputs "dune" 
static fromDict(_dict: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Creates an object with attributes from a dictionary

property state: dict

Essentially __dict__, but only outputs the fields you defined. If your framework intentionally set some attributes, those will be reported too, so beware


Sets this Object up so that if a field doesn’t exist, it will automatically create it with a default value.

withRepr(_repr: str)[source]

Specify output of __repr__(). Legacy code. You can just monkey patch it instead.

class k1lib.Range(start=0, stop=None)[source]

Bases: object

A range of numbers. It’s just 2 numbers really: start and stop

This is essentially a convenience class to provide a nice, clean abstraction and to eliminate errors. You can transform values:

Range(10, 20).toUnit(13) # returns 0.3
Range(10, 20).fromUnit(0.3) # returns 13
Range(10, 20).toRange(Range(20, 10), 13) # returns 17

You can also do random math operations on it:

(Range(10, 20) * 2 + 3) == Range(23, 43) # returns True
Range(10, 20) == ~Range(20, 10) # returns True

0 for start, 1 for stop

You can also pass in a slice object, in which case, a range subset will be returned. Code kinda looks like this:

range(start, stop)[index]
__init__(start=0, stop=None)[source]

Creates a new Range.

There are different __init__ functions for many situations:

  • Range(2, 11.1): create range [2, 11.1]

  • Range(15.2): creates range [0, 15.2]

  • Range(Range(2, 3)): create range [2, 3]. This serves as sort of a catch-all

  • Range(slice(2, 5, 2)): creates range [2, 5]. Can also be a range

  • Range(slice(2, -1), 10): creates range [2, 9]

  • Range([1, 2, 7, 5]): creates range [1, 5]. Can also be a tuple

fixOrder() Range[source]

If start greater than stop, switch the 2, else do nothing

intIter(step: int = 1) Iterator[int][source]

Returns integers within this Range


Converts x from current range to [0, 1] range. Example:

r = Range(2, 10)
r.toUnit(5) # will return 0.375, as that is (5-2)/(10-2)

You can actually pass in a lot in place of x:

r = Range(0, 10)
r.toUnit([5, 3, 6]) # will be [0.5, 0.3, 0.6]. Can also be a tuple
r.toUnit(slice(5, 6)) # will be slice(0.5, 0.6). Can also be a range, or Range


In the last case, if start is None, it gets defaulted to 0, and if end is None, it gets defaulted to 1


Converts x from [0, 1] range to this range. Example:

r = Range(0, 10)
r.fromUnit(0.3) # will return 3

x can be a lot of things, see toUnit() for more

toRange(_range: Range, x)[source]

Converts x from current range to another range. Example:

r = Range(0, 10)
r.toRange(Range(0, 100), 6) # will return 60

x can be a lot of things, see toUnit() for more.

fromRange(_range: Range, x)[source]

Reverse of toRange(), effectively.

property range_

Returns a range object with start and stop values rounded off

property slice_

Returns a slice object with start and stop values rounded off

static proportionalSlice(r1, r2, r1Slice: slice) Tuple[Range, Range][source]

Slices r1 and r2 proportionally. Best to explain using an example. Let’s say you have 2 arrays created from a time-dependent procedure like this:

a = []; b = []
for t in range(100):
    if t % 3 == 0: a.append(t)
    if t % 5 == 0: b.append(1 - t)
len(a), len(b) # returns (34, 20)

a and b are of different lengths, but you want to plot both from 30% mark to 50% mark (for a, it’s elements 10 -> 17, for b it’s 6 -> 10), as they are time-dependent. As you can probably tell, to get the indicies 10, 17, 6, 10 is messy. So, you can do something like this instead:

r1, r2 = Range.proportionalSlice(Range(len(a)), Range(len(b)), slice(10, 17))

This will return the Ranges [10, 17] and [5.88, 10]

Then, you can plot both of them side by side like this:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2)
axes[0].plot(r1.range_, a[r1.slice_])
axes[1].plot(r2.range_, a[r2.slice_])
bound(rs: Union[range, slice]) Union[range, slice][source]

If input range|slice’s stop and start is missing, then use this range’s start and stop instead.

class k1lib.Domain(*ranges, dontCheck: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(*ranges, dontCheck: bool = False)[source]

Creates a new domain.

  • ranges – each element is a Range, although any format will be fine as this selects for that

  • dontCheck – don’t sanitize inputs, intended to boost perf internally only

A domain is just an array of Range that represents what intervals on the real number line is chosen. Some examples:

inf = float("inf") # shorthand for infinity
Domain([5, 7.5], [2, 3]) # represents "[2, 3) U [5, 7.5)"
Domain([2, 3.2], [3, 8]) # represents "[2, 8)" as overlaps are merged
-Domain([2, 3]) # represents "(-inf, 2) U [3, inf)", so essentially R - d, with R being the set of real numbers
-Domain([-inf, 3]) # represents "[3, inf)"
Domain.fromInts(2, 3, 6) # represents "[2, 4) U [6, 7)"

You can also do arithmetic on them, and check “in” oeprator:

Domain([2, 3]) + Domain([4, 5]) # represents "[2, 3) U [4, 5)"
Domain([2, 3]) + Domain([2.9, 5]) # represents "[2, 5)", also merges overlaps
Domain([2, 3]) & Domain([2.5, 5]) # represents "[2, 3) A [2.5, 5)", or "[2.5, 3)"
3 in Domain([2, 3]) # returns False
2 in Domain([2, 3]) # returns True
static fromInts(*ints: List[int])[source]

Returns a new Domain which has ranges [i, i+1] for each int given.

intIter(step: int = 1, start: int = 0)[source]

Yields ints in all ranges of this domain. If first range’s domain is \((-\inf, a)\), then starts at the specified integer

class k1lib.AutoIncrement(initialValue: int = -1, n: int = inf, prefix: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(initialValue: int = -1, n: int = inf, prefix: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Creates a new AutoIncrement object. Every time the object is called it gets incremented by 1 automatically. Example:

a = k1lib.AutoIncrement()
a() # returns 0
a() # returns 1
a() # returns 2
a.value # returns 2
a.value # returns 2
a() # returns 3

a = AutoIncrement(n=3, prefix="cluster_")
a() # returns "cluster_0"
a() # returns "cluster_1"
a() # returns "cluster_2"
a() # returns "cluster_0"
  • n – if specified, then will wrap around to 0 when hit this number

  • prefix – if specified, will yield strings with specified prefix

static random() AutoIncrement[source]

Creates a new AutoIncrement object that has a random integer initial value

property value

Get the value as-is, without auto incrementing it


Increments internal counter, and return it.

static unicode_pua()[source]

Returns a generator that generates unicode characters from within unicode’s private use area (PUA). Example:

a = k1.AutoIncrement.unicode_pua()
a | head() | deref() # returns ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
class k1lib.Wrapper(value=None)[source]

Bases: object


Creates a wrapper for some value and get it by calling it. Example:

a = k1.Wrapper(list(range(int(1e7))))
# returns [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

This exists just so that Jupyter Lab’s contextual help won’t automatically display the (possibly humongous) value. Could be useful if you want to pass a value by reference everywhere like this:

o = k1.Wrapper(None)
def f(obj):
    obj.value = 3
o() # returns 3

You can also pipe into it like this:

o = 3 | k1.Wrapper() o() # returns 3

value: Any

Internal value of this Wrapper

class k1lib.Every(n)[source]

Bases: object


Returns True every interval. Example:

e = k1lib.Every(4)
e() # returns True
e() # returns False
e() # returns False
e() # returns False
e() # returns True
__call__() bool[source]

Returns True or False based on internal count.

property value: bool
class k1lib.RunOnce[source]

Bases: object


Returns False first time only. Example:

r = k1lib.RunOnce()
r.done() # returns False
r.done() # returns True
r.done() # returns True
r.done() # returns False
r.done() # returns True
r.done() # returns True

May be useful in situations like:

class A:
    def __init__(self): = k1lib.RunOnce()
    def f(self, x):
        if return 3 + x
        return 5 + x
a = A()
a.f(4) # returns 9
a.f(4) # returns 7

Whether this has been called once before.

class k1lib.MaxDepth(maxDepth: int, depth: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(maxDepth: int, depth: int = 0)[source]

Convenience utility to check for graph max depth. Example:

def f(d):
    if d: f(d.enter())
# prints "0\n1\n2\n3"

Of course, this might look unpleasant to the end user, so this is more likely for internal tools.

enter() MaxDepth[source]
class k1lib.MovingAvg(initV: float = 0, alpha=0.9, debias=False)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(initV: float = 0, alpha=0.9, debias=False)[source]

Smoothes out sequential data using momentum. Example:

a = k1lib.MovingAvg(5)
a(3).value # returns 4.8, because 0.9*5 + 0.1*3 = 4.8
a(3).value # returns 4.62

There’s also a cli at toMovingAvg that does the exact same thing, but just more streamlined and cli-like. Both versions are kept as sometimes I do want a separate object with internal state

Difference between normal and debias modes:

x = torch.linspace(0, 10, 100); y = torch.cos(x) | op().item().all() | deref()
plt.plot(x, y);
a = k1lib.MovingAvg(debias=False); plt.plot(x, y | apply(lambda y: a(y).value) | deref())
a = k1lib.MovingAvg(debias=True); plt.plot(x, y | apply(lambda y: a(y).value) | deref())
plt.legend(["Signal", "Normal", "Debiased"])

As you can see, normal mode still has the influence of the initial value at 0 and can’t rise up fast, whereas the debias mode will ignore the initial value and immediately snaps to the first saved value.

  • initV – initial value

  • alpha – number in [0, 1]. Basically how much to keep old value?

  • debias – whether to debias the initial value

class k1lib.Absorber(initDict: dict = {})[source]

Bases: object

Creates an object that absorbes every operation done on it. Could be useful in some scenarios:

ab = k1lib.Absorber()
# absorbs all operations done on the object

t = torch.randn(5, 3, 3)
# returns transformed tensor of size [2, 3]


ab = Absorber()
ab[2] = -50
# returns [0, 1, -50, 3, 4]

Because this object absorbs every operation done on it, you have to be gentle with it, as any unplanned disturbances might throw your code off. Best to create a new one on the fly, and pass them immediately to functions, because if you’re in a notebook environment like Jupyter, it might poke at variables.

For extended code example that utilizes this, check over k1lib.cli.modifier.op source code.

__init__(initDict: dict = {})[source]

Creates a new Absorber.


initDict – initial variables to set, as setattr operation is normally absorbed


Use this to not absorb __call__ operations anymore and makes it feel like a regular function (still absorbs other operations though):

f = op()**2
3 | f # returns 9, but may be you don't want to pipe it in
f(3)  # returns 9

Special method to actually operate on an object and get the result. Not absorbed. Example:

# returns 6
(op() * 2).ab_operate(3)
ab_fastFS() str[source]

Returns a function that operates on the input (just like ab_operate()), but much faster, suitable for high performance tasks. Example:

f = (k1lib.Absorber() * 2).ab_fastF()
# returns 6

Replacement for int(ab), as that requires returning an actual int.


Replacement for float(ab), as that requires returning an actual float.


Replacement for str(ab), as that requires returning an actual str.


Replacement for len(ab), as that requires returning an actual int.


Replacement for key in ab, as that requires returning an actual int.

class k1lib.Settings(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: object


Creates a new settings object. Basically fancy version of dict. Example:

s = k1lib.Settings(a=3, b="42")
s.c = k1lib.Settings(d=8)

s.a # returns 3
s.b # returns "42"
s.c.d # returns 8
print(s) # prints nested settings nicely

Context manager to temporarily modify some settings. Applies to all sub-settings. Example:

s = k1lib.Settings(a=3, b="42", c=k1lib.Settings(d=8))
with s.context(a=4):
    s.c.d = 20
    s.a # returns 4
    s.c.d # returns 20
s.a # returns 3
s.c.d # returns 8
add(k: str, v: Any, docs: str = '', cb: Optional[Callable[[Settings, Any], None]] = None, sensitive: bool = False, env: Optional[str] = None) Settings[source]

Long way to add a variable. Advantage of this is that you can slip in extra documentation for the variable. Example:

s = k1lib.Settings()
s.add("a", 3, "some docs")
print(s) # displays the extra docs

You can also specify that a variable should load from the environment variables:

s = k1lib.Settings()
s.add("a", "/this/path/will:/be/overridden", env="PATH")
s.a # will returns a string that might look like "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"

You can specify a transform function if you want to:

s = k1lib.Settings()
s.add("a", ["/this/path/will", "/be/overridden"], env=("PATH", lambda x: x.split(":")))
s.a # returns a list that might look like ['/usr/local/sbin', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/bin', '/usr/games', '/usr/local/games']
  • cb – callback that takes in (settings, new value) if any property changes

  • sensitive – if True, won’t display the value when displaying the whole Settings object

  • env – if specified, will try to load up the value from environment variables if it’s available

class k1lib.UValue(mean=0, std=1, N=None)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(mean=0, std=1, N=None)[source]

Creates a new “uncertain value”, which has a mean and a standard deviation. You can then do math operations on them as normal, and the propagation errors will be automatically calculated for you. Make sure to run the calculation multiple times as the mean and std values fluctuates by a little run-by-run. Example:

# returns UValue(mean=4.7117, std=3.4736) object
abs(k1lib.UValue() * 5 + 3)

You can also instantiate from an existing list/numpy array/pytorch tensor:

# returns UValue(mean=24.5, std=14.431) object

You can also do arbitrary complex math operations:

# returns UValue(mean=0.5544, std=0.4871)
(20 + k1lib.UValue()).f(np.sin)
# same as above, but takes longer to run!
(20 + k1lib.UValue()).f(math.sin)

I suggest you to make your arbitrary function out of numpy’s operations, as those are a fair bit faster than regular Python.

If you have a list of UValue, and want to plot them with error bars, then you can do something like this:

x = np.linspace(0, 6)
y = list(np.sin(x)*10) | apply(k1lib.UValue) | toList()
plt.errorbar(x, *(y | transpose()));

There are several caveats however:


First is the problem of theoretically vs actually sample a distribution. Let’s see an example:

# returns theoretical value UValue(mean=8000.0, std=1200.0) -> 8000.0 ± 1200.0
k1lib.UValue(20) ** 3
# prints out actual mean and std value of (8064.1030, 1204.3529)
a = k1lib.UValue(20).sample() ** 3
print(a.mean(), a.std())

So far so good. However, let’s create some uncertainty in “3”:

# returns theoretical value UValue(mean=8000.0, std=23996.0) -> 10000.0 ± 20000.0
k1lib.UValue(20) ** k1lib.UValue(3)
# prints out actual mean and std value of (815302.8750, 27068828.), but is very unstable and changes a lot
a = k1lib.UValue(20).sample() ** k1lib.UValue(3).sample()
print(a.mean(), a.std())

Woah, what happens here? The actual mean and std values are completely different from the theoretical values. This is mainly due to UValue(3) has some outlier values large enough to boost the result up multiple times. Even removing 1% of values on either end of the spectrum does not quite work. So, becareful to interpret these uncertainty values, and in some case the theoretical estimates from math are actually very unstable and will not be observed in real life.


Then there’s the problem of each complex operation, say (v*2+3)/5 will be done step by step, meaning a=v*2 mean and std will be calculated first, then ignoring the calculated sample values and just go with the mean and std, sample a bunch of values from there and calculate a+3 mean and std. Rinse and repeat. This means that these 2 statements may differ by a lot:

# prints out (0.15867302766786406, 0.12413313456900205)
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 1000); sq = (abs(x)-0.5)**2; y = sq*np.exp(-sq)
print(y.mean(), y.std())

# returns UValue(mean=0.081577, std=0.32757) -> 0.1 ± 0.3
x = k1lib.UValue(0, 1); sq = (abs(x)-0.5)**2; y = sq*(-sq).f(np.exp)

Why this weird function? It converts from a single nice hump into multiple complex humps. Anyway, this serves to demonstrate that the result from the calculate -> get mean, std -> sample from new distribution -> calculate process might be different from just calculating from start to end and then get the mean and std.


Lastly, you might have problems when using the same UValue multiple times in an expression:

a = UValue(10, 1)
a * 2 # has mean 20, std 2
a + a # has mean 20, std 1.4

N – how many data points in this sample

sample(n=100, _class=0)[source]

Gets a sample numpy.ndarray representative of this uncertain value. Example:

# returns tensor([-5.1095,  3.3117, -2.5759,  ..., -2.5810, -1.8131,  1.8339])
(k1lib.UValue() * 5).sample()
static fromSeries(series, ddof=0)[source]

Creates a UValue from a bunch of numbers

  • series – can be a list of numbers, numpy array or PyTorch tensor

  • unbiased – if True, Bessel’s correction will be used

static fromBounds(min_, max_)[source]

Creates a UValue from min and max values. Example:

# returns UValue(mean=2.5, std=0.5)
k1lib.UValue.fromBounds(2, 3)
property exact

Whether this UValue is exact or not


Returns how many sigma a particular value is.


Covered in __init__() docs


Returns (mean-std, mean+std)

static combine(*values, samples=1000)[source]

Combines multiple UValues into 1. Example:

a = k1lib.UValue(5, 1)
b = k1lib.UValue(7, 1)
# both returns 6.0 ± 1.4
k1lib.UValue.combine(a, b)
[a, b] | k1lib.UValue.combine()

This will sample each UValue by default 1000 times, put them into a single series and get a UValue from that. Why not just take the average instead? Because the standard deviation will be less, and will not actually reflect the action of combining UValues together:

# returns 6.0 ± 0.7, which is narrower than expected
(a + b) / 2

Quickly plots a histogram of the distribution. Possible to plot multiple histograms in 1 plot.

class k1lib.wrapMod(m, moduleName=None)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(m, moduleName=None)[source]

Wraps around a module, and only suggest symbols in __all__ list defined inside the module. Example:

from . import randomModule
randomModule = wrapMod(randomModule)
  • m – the imported module

  • moduleName – optional new module name for elements (their __module__ attr)

Context managers

class k1lib.captureStdout(out=True, c=False)[source]


Captures every print() statement. Taken from Example:

with k1lib.captureStdout() as outer:
    with k1lib.captureStdout() as inner:
        print("inside inner")
# prints "['something', 'else']"
# prints "['inside inner']"

Note that internally, this replaces sys.stdout as io.StringIO, so might not work property if you have fancy bytes stuff going on. Also, carriage return (\r) will erase the line, so multi-line overlaps might not show up correctly.

If you wish to still print stuff out, you can do something like this:

with k1.captureStdout() as out:
    print("abc") # gets captured
    out.print("def") # not captured, will actually print out
    # you can also access the stream like this
    print("something", file=out.old)

Also, by default, this won’t work if you’re trying to capture C library’s output, because they write to stdout directly, instead of going through Python’s mechanism. You can capture it down at the C level by doing this:

with captureStdout() as out1, captureStdout(c=True) as out2:
    os.system("ls") # gets captured by out2, but not out1
    print("abc")    # gets captured by out1, but not out2

It’s a little bit hard to actually integrate C mode and non-C mode together, so for the time being, you gotta have 2 context managers if you want to capture absolutely everything, C or not.

  • out – if True, captures stdout, else captures stderr

  • c – whether to capture at the C/C++ level or not

class k1lib.capturePlt[source]


Tries to capture matplotlib plot. Example:

x = np.linspace(-2, 2)
with k1.capturePlt() as fig:
    plt.plot(x, x**2)

capturedImage = fig() # reference it here

This is a convenience function to deal with libraries that call and doesn’t let us intercept at the middle to generate an image.

class k1lib.ignoreWarnings[source]


Context manager to ignore every warning. Example:

import warnings
with k1lib.ignoreWarnings():
    warnings.warn("some random stuff") # will not show anything
class k1lib.timer[source]


Times generic code. Example:

with k1lib.timer() as t:
# prints out float close to 1.1

The with- statement will actually return a Wrapper with value None. The correct time will be deposited into it after the code block ends.

class k1lib.attrContext(var, **kwargs)[source]


Temporarily sets variable’s attribute to something else. Example:

class A: pass
a = A()
a.b = 3
print(a.b) # prints "3"
with k1lib.attrContext(a, b=4, c=5):
    print(a.b, a.c) # prints "4 5"
print(a.b, a.c) # prints "3 None"


These exceptions are used within Learner to cancel things early on. If you raise CancelBatchException while passing through the model, the Learner will catch it, run cleanup code (including checkpoint endBatch ), then proceeds as usual.

If you raise something more major, like CancelRunException, Learner will first catch it at batch level, run clean up code, then rethrow it. Learner will then recatch it at the epoch level, run clean up code, then rethrow again. Same deal at the run level.

exception k1lib.CancelRunException[source]

Used in core training loop, to skip the run entirely

exception k1lib.CancelEpochException[source]

Used in core training loop, to skip to next epoch

exception k1lib.CancelBatchException[source]

Used in core training loop, to skip to next batch


k1lib.isNumeric(x) bool[source]

Returns whether object is actually a number

k1lib.patch(_class: type, name: Optional[str] = None, docs: Optional[Union[str, Any]] = None, static=False)[source]

Patches a function to a class/object.

  • _class – object to patch function. Can also be a type

  • name – name of patched function, if different from current

  • docs – docs of patched function. Can be object with defined __doc__ attr

  • static – whether to wrap this inside staticmethod or not


modified function just before patching

Intended to be used like this:

class A:
    def methA(self):
        return "inside methA"

def methB(self):
    return "inside methB"

a = A()
a.methB() # returns "inside methB"

You can do @property attributes like this:

class A: pass

@k1lib.patch(A, "propC")
def propC(self): return self._propC

@k1lib.patch(A, "propC")
def propC(self, value): self._propC = value

a = A(); a.propC = "abc"
a.propC # returns "abc"

The attribute name unfortunately has to be explicitly declared, as I can’t really find a way to extract the original name. You can also do static methods like this:

class A: pass

@k1lib.patch(A, static=True)
def staticD(arg1): return arg1

A.staticD("def") # returns "def"

Sets up a cron job in another thread, running the decorated function whenever f goes from False to True. Example:

@k1.cron(lambda minute: minute == 0)
def f1(): # runs every hour
    ... # do some stuff

@k1.cron(lambda second: second % 5 == 0)
def f2(): # runs every 5 seconds
    ... # do some stuff

So, the first function will run every hour, and the second function will run every 5 seconds. Pretty straightforward. The timing function f can be as complicated as you want, but it can only accept the following parameters:

  • year

  • month: 1-12

  • day: 1-31

  • weekday: 0-6, 0 for Monday

  • hour: 0-23

  • minute: 0-59

  • second: 0-59


Kinda like functools.wraps(), but don’t update __annotations__.

k1lib.squeeze(_list: Union[list, tuple, Any], hard=False)[source]

If list only has 1 element, returns that element, else returns original list.


hard – If True, then if list/tuple, filters out None, and takes the first element out even if that list/tuple has more than 1 element

k1lib.raiseEx(ex: Exception)[source]

Raises a specific exception. May be useful in lambdas

k1lib.numDigits(num) int[source]

Get the number of digits/characters of this number/object

k1lib.limitLines(s: str, limit: int = 10) str[source]

If input string is too long, truncates it and adds ellipsis

k1lib.limitChars(s: str, limit: int = 50)[source]

If input string is too long, truncates to first limit characters of the first line

k1lib.showLog(loggerName: str = '', level: int = 10)[source]

Prints out logs of a particular logger at a particular level


Plays a beeping sound, may be useful as notification for long-running tasks


Don’t wrap horizontally when in a notebook. Normally, if you’re displaying something long, like the output of print('a'*1000) in a notebook, it will display it in multiple lines. This may be undesirable, so this solves that by displaying some HTML with css styles so that the notebook doesn’t wrap.

k1lib.debounce(wait, threading=False)[source]

Decorator that will postpone a function’s execution until after wait seconds have elapsed since the last time it was invoked. Taken from ipywidgets. Example:

import k1lib, time; value = 0

@k1lib.debounce(0.5, True)
def f(x): global value; value = x**2

f(2); time.sleep(0.3); f(3)
print(value) # prints "0"
print(value) # prints "9"
  • wait – wait time in seconds

  • threading – if True, use multiple threads, else just use async stuff

k1lib.scaleSvg(svg: str, scale: Optional[float] = None) str[source]

Scales an svg xml string by some amount.


2-sided p value of a particular z score. Requires scipy.[source]

Convenience function for returning a simple time string, with timezone and whatnot.

k1lib.pushNotification(title='Some title', content='Some content', url='')[source]

Sends push notification to your device.

Setting things up: - Download this app: - Set the settings.pushNotificationKey key obtained from the app. Example key: k-967fe9… - Alternatively, set the environment variable k1lib_pushNotificationKey instead - Run the function as usual

k1lib.dep(s, alt: Optional[str] = None, url: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Imports a potentially unavailable package Example:

graphviz = k1.dep("graphviz")

# executes as normal, if graphviz is available, else throws an error
g = graphviz.Digraph()

I don’t imagine this would be useful for everyday use though. This is mainly for writing this library, so that it can use optional dependencies.

  • s – name of the package. Can be nested, like matplotlib.pyplot

  • alt – (optional) name of the package to display in error message if package is not found

  • url – (optional) url of the package’s website, so that they know where to get official docs

k1lib.ticks(x: float, y: float, rounding: int = 6)[source]

Get tick locations in a plot that look reasonable. Example:

ticks(-5, 40)     # returns [-10.0, -5.0, 0.0, 5.0, 10.0, 15.0, 20.0, 25.0, 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0]
ticks(0.05, 0.07) # returns [0.05, 0.0525, 0.055, 0.0575, 0.06, 0.0625, 0.065, 0.0675, 0.07, 0.0725]
ticks(-5, 5)      # returns [-6.0, -5.0, -4.0, -3.0, -2.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0]

So essentially, whenever you try to plot something, you want both the x and y axis to not have too many lines, and that the tick values snap to a nice number.

Normally you don’t have to do this, as matplotlib does this automatically behind the scenes, but sometimes you need to implement plotting again, in strange situations, so this function comes in handy

  • x – start of interval

  • y – end of interval

  • rounding – internally, it rounds tick values to this number of digits, to fix tiny float overflows that make numbers ugly. So you can disable it if you’re working with really small numbers

k1lib.perlin3d(shape=(100, 100, 100), res=(2, 2, 2), tileable=(False, False, False), interpolant=<function interpolant>)[source]

Generate a 3D numpy array of perlin noise. Not my code! All credits go to the author of this library:

  • shape – The shape of the generated array (tuple of three ints). This must be a multiple of res.

  • res – The number of periods of noise to generate along each axis (tuple of three ints). Note shape must be a multiple of res.

  • tileable – If the noise should be tileable along each axis (tuple of three bools). Defaults to (False, False, False).

  • interpolant – The interpolation function, defaults to t*t*t*(t*(t*6 - 15) + 10).


A numpy array of shape shape with the generated noise.


ValueError – If shape is not a multiple of res.


Convenience method for creating a new graphviz Graph. See also: digraph()


Convenience method for creating a new graphviz Digraph. Example:

g = k1lib.graph()
g("a", "b", "c")
g # displays arrows from "a" to "b" and "a" to "c"

Higher order functions

k1lib.polyfit(x: List[float], y: List[float], deg: int = 6) Callable[[float], float][source]

Returns a function that approximate \(f(x) = y\). Example:

xs = [1, 2, 3]
ys = [2, 3, 5]
f = k1.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)

This will create a best-fit function. You can just use it as a regular, normal function. You can even pass in numpy.ndarray:

# returns some float

# plots fit function from 0 to 5
xs = np.linspace(0, 5)
plt.plot(xs, f(xs))

deg – degree of the polynomial of the returned function

k1lib.derivative(f: Callable[[float], float], delta: float = 1e-06) Callable[[float], float][source]

Returns the derivative of a function. Example:

f = lambda x: x**2
df = k1lib.derivative(f)
df(3) # returns roughly 6 
k1lib.optimize(f: Callable[[float], float], v: float = 1, threshold: float = 1e-06, **kwargs) float[source]

Given \(f(x) = 0\), solves for x using Newton’s method with initial value v. Example:

f = lambda x: x**2-2
# returns 1.4142 (root 2)
# returns -1.4142 (negative root 2)
k1lib.optimize(f, -1)

Interestingly, for some reason, result of this is more accurate than derivative().

k1lib.inverse(f: Callable[[float], float]) Callable[[float], float][source]

Returns the inverse of a function. Example:

f = lambda x: x**2
fInv = k1lib.inverse(f)
# returns roughly 3


The inverse function takes a long time to run, so don’t use this where you need lots of speed. Also, as you might imagine, the inverse function isn’t really airtight. Should work well with monotonic functions, but all bets are off with other functions.

k1lib.integral(f: Callable[[float], float], _range: Range) float[source]

Integrates a function over a range. Example:

f = lambda x: x**2
# returns roughly 9
k1lib.integral(f, [0, 3])

There is also the cli integrate which has a slightly different api.

k1lib.batchify(period=0.1) singleFn[source]

Transforms a function taking in batches to taking in singles, for performance reasons.

Say you have this function that does some heavy computation:

def f1(x, y):
    time.sleep(1)     # simulating heavy load, like loading large libraries/binaries
    return x + y      # does not take lots of time

Let’s also say that a lot of time, you want to execute that function over multiple samples:

res = [] # will be filled with [3, 7, 11]
for x, y in [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]:
    res.append(f1(x, y))

This would take 3 seconds to complete. But a lot of time, it might be advantageous to merge them together and execute everything all at once:

def f2(xs, ys):
    res = []; time.sleep(1)                       # loading large libraries/binaries only once
    for x, y in zip(xs, ys): res.append(x+y)      # run through all samples quickly
    return res

res = f2([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]) # filled with [3, 7, 11], just like before

But, may be you’re in a multithreaded application and desire the original function “f1(x, y)”, instead of the batched function “f2(xs, ys)”, like running an LLM (large language model) on requests submitted by people on the internet. Each request that comes in runs on different threads, but it’s still desirable to pool together all of those requests, run through the model once, and then split up the results to each respective request. That’s where this functionality comes in:

@k1.batchify(0.1)     # pool up all calls every 0.1 seconds
def f2(xs, ys):
    ...               # same as previous example
@k1.batchify          # can also do it like this. It'll default to a period of 0.1
def f2(xs, ys):
    ...               # same as previous example

res = []
t1 = threading.Thread(target=lambda: res.append(f(1, 2)))
t2 = threading.Thread(target=lambda: res.append(f(3, 4)))
t3 = threading.Thread(target=lambda: res.append(f(5, 6)))
ths = [t1, t2, t3]
for th in ths: th.start()
for th in ths: th.join() # after this point, res will have a permutation of [3, 7, 11] (because t1, t2, t3 execution order is not known)

This will take on average 1 + 0.1 seconds (heavy load execution time + refresh rate). You can decorate this on any Flask endpoint you want and it will just work:

def run(nums):
    time.sleep(1) # long running process
    return nums | apply("x**2") | apply(str) | deref()

Now, if you send 10 requests within a window of 0.3s, then the total running time would only be 1.3s, instead of 10s like before