k1lib.callbacks module

callbacks module

Bare example of how this module works:

import k1lib

class CbA(k1lib.Callback):
    def __init__(self):
        self.initialState = 3
    def startBatch(self):
        print("startBatch - CbA")
    def startPass(self):
        print("startPass - CbA")

class CbB(k1lib.Callback):
    def startBatch(self):
        print("startBatch - CbB")
    def endLoss(self):
        print("endLoss - CbB")

# initialization
cbs = k1lib.Callbacks()
model = lambda xb: xb + 3
lossF = lambda y, yb: y - yb

# training loop
cbs("startBatch"); xb = 6; yb = 2
cbs("startPass"); y = model(xb); cbs("endPass")
cbs("startLoss"); loss = lossF(y, yb); cbs("endLoss")

print(cbs.CbA) # can reference the Callback object directly

So, point is, you can define lots of Callback classes that defines a number of checkpoint functions, like startBatch. Then, you can create a Callbacks object that includes Callback objects. When you do cbs("checkpoint"), this will execute cb.checkpoint() of all the Callback objects.

Pretty much everything here is built upon this. The core training loop has nothing to do with ML stuff. In fact, it’s just a bunch of cbs("...") statements. Everything meaningful about the training loop comes from different Callback classes. Advantage of this is that you can tack on wildly different functions, have them play nicely with each other, and remove entire complex functionalities by commenting out a single line.


Object of all available callbacks. Automatically exposed, so you can do this:

from k1lib.imports import *
cbs = k1lib.Callbacks().add(Cbs.Beep())
cbs("endRun") # plays a beep sound
class k1lib.callbacks.callbacks.Callback[source]

Bases: object

Represents a callback. Define specific functions inside to intercept certain parts of the training loop. Can access k1lib.Learner like this:

self.l.xb = self.l.xb[None]

This takes x batch of learner, unsqueeze it at the 0 position, then sets the x batch again.

Normally, you will define a subclass of this and define specific intercept functions, but if you want to create a throwaway callback, then do this:

Callback().withCheckpoint("startRun", lambda: print("start running"))

You can use Cbs (automatically exposed) for a list of default Callback classes, for any particular needs.


You can also use .order to set the order of execution of the callback. The higher, the later it gets executed. Value suggestions:

  • 7: pre-default runs, like LossLandscape

  • 10: default runs, like DontTrainValid

  • 13: custom mods, like ModifyBatch

  • 15: pre-recording mod

  • 17: recording mods, like Profiler.memory

  • 20: default recordings, like Loss

  • 23: post-default recordings, like ParamFinder

  • 25: guards, like TimeLimit, CancelOnExplosion

Just leave as default (10) if you don’t know what values to choose.


If you’re going to extend this class, you can also specify dependencies like this:

class CbC(k1lib.Callback):
    def __init__(self):
        self.dependsOn = {"Loss", "Accuracy"}

This is so that if somewhere, Loss callback class is temporarily suspended, then CbC will be suspended also, therefore avoiding errors.


If your Callback is mainly dormant, then you can do something like this:

class CbD(k1lib.Callback):
    def __init__(self):
        self.suspended = True
    def startBatch(self):
        # these types of methods will only execute
        # if ``self.suspended = False``
    def analyze(self):
        self.suspended = False
        # do something that sometimes call ``startBatch``
        self.suspended = True

cbs = k1lib.Callbacks().add(CbD())
# dormant phase:
cbs("startBatch") # does not execute CbD.startBatch()
# active phase
cbs.CbB.analyze() # does execute CbD.startBatch()

So yeah, you can easily make every checkpoint active/dormant by changing a single variable, how convenient. See over Callbacks.suspend() for more.


Checkpoint, called when the Callback is temporarily suspended. Overridable


Checkpoint, called when the Callback is back from suspension. Overridable

withCheckpoint(checkpoint: str, f: Callable[[Callback], None])[source]

Quickly set a checkpoint, for simple, inline-able functions

  • checkpoint – checkpoints like “startRun”

  • f – function that takes in the Callback itself


Called when this is added to a Callback. Overrides this to do custom stuff when this happens.


Detaches from the parent Callbacks

class k1lib.callbacks.callbacks.Timings[source]

Bases: object

List of checkpoint timings. Not intended to be instantiated by the end user. Used within Callbacks, accessible via Callbacks.timings to record time taken to execute a single checkpoint. This is useful for profiling stuff.

property state
property checkpoints: List[str]

List of all checkpoints encountered


Plot all checkpoints’ execution times


Clears all timing data

class k1lib.callbacks.callbacks.Callbacks[source]

Bases: object

property timings: Timings

Returns Timings object

property l: Learner

k1lib.Learner object. Will be set automatically when you set k1lib.Learner.cbs to this Callbacks

property cbs: List[Callback]

List of Callback

add(cb: Callback, name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Adds a callback to the collection. Example:

cbs = k1lib.Callbacks()
cbs.add(k1lib.Callback().withCheckpoint("startBatch", lambda self: print("here")))

If you just want to insert a simple callback with a single checkpoint, then you can do something like:

cbs.add(["startBatch", lambda _: print("here")])
__contains__(e: str) bool[source]

Whether a specific Callback name is in this Callback.

remove(*names: List[str])[source]

Removes a callback from the collection.

removePrefix(prefix: str)[source]

Removes any callback with the specified prefix

__call__(*checkpoints: List[str]) bool[source]

Calls a number of checkpoints one after another. Returns True if any of the checkpoints return anything at all

__getitem__(idx: Union[int, str]) Callback[source]

Get specific cbs.


idx – if str, then get the Callback with this specific name, if int, then get the Callback in that index.

__iter__() Iterator[Callback][source]

Iterates through all Callback.


How many Callback are there in total?


Adds a bunch of very basic Callbacks that’s needed for everything. Also includes Callbacks that are not necessary, but don’t slow things down


Adds quality of life Callbacks.


Adds advanced Callbacks that do fancy stuff, but may slow things down if not configured specifically.

checkpointGraph(highlightCb: Optional[Union[str, Callback]] = None)

Graphs what checkpoints follows what checkpoints. Has to run at least once first. Requires graphviz package though. Example:

cbs = Callbacks()
cbs("a", "b", "c", "d", "b")
cbs.checkpointGraph() # returns graph object. Will display image if using notebooks

highlightCb – if available, will highlight the checkpoints the callback uses. Can be name/class-name/class/self of callback.

context(*initCbs: List[Callback]) ContextManager

Add context.

Works like this:

cbs = k1lib.Callbacks().add(CbA())
# CbA is available
with cbs.context(CbE(), CbF()):
    # CbA, CbB, CbE and CbF available
    # all 5 are available
# only CbA is available

For maximum shortness, you can do this:

with k1lib.Callbacks().context(CbA()) as cbs:
    # Cba is available
suspend(*cbNames: List[str]) ContextManager

Creates suspension context for specified Callbacks. Matches callbacks with their name. Works like this:

cbs = k1lib.Callbacks().add(CbA()).add(CbB()).add(CbC())
with cbs.suspend("CbA", "CbC"):
    pass # inside here, only CbB will be active, and its checkpoints executed
# CbA, CbB and CbC are all active

See also


suspendClasses(*classNames: List[str]) ContextManager

Like suspend(), but matches callbacks’ class names to the given list, instead of matching names. Meaning:

# cbs now has 2 callbacks "Loss" and "Loss0"
with cbs.suspendClasses("Loss"):
    pass # now both of them are suspended
suspendEval(more: List[str] = [], less: List[str] = []) ContextManager

Same as suspendClasses(), but suspend some default classes typical used for evaluation callbacks. Just convenience method really. Currently includes:

  • HookModule, HookParam, ProgressBar

  • ParamScheduler, Loss, Accuracy, Autosave

  • ConfusionMatrix

  • more – include more classes to be suspended

  • less – exclude classes supposed to be suspended by default

confusionMatrix module

class k1lib.callbacks.confusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix(categories: ~typing.Optional[~typing.List[str]] = None, condF: ~typing.Callable[[~k1lib.callbacks.confusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix], bool] = <function ConfusionMatrix.<lambda>>)[source]

Bases: Callback

__init__(categories: ~typing.Optional[~typing.List[str]] = None, condF: ~typing.Callable[[~k1lib.callbacks.confusionMatrix.ConfusionMatrix], bool] = <function ConfusionMatrix.<lambda>>)[source]

Records what categories the network is confused the most. Expected variables in Learner:

  • preds: long tensor with categories id of batch before checkpoint endLoss. Auto-included in AccF and LossNLLCross.

  • categories – optional list of category names

  • condF – takes in this cb’s and returns whether to record at this particular endLoss checkpoint.

categories: List[str]

String categories for displaying the matrix. You can set this so that it displays what you want, in case this Callback is included automatically.

matrix: Tensor

The recorded confusion matrix.

property goodMatrix: Tensor

Clears all inf, nans and whatnot from the matrix, then returns it.


Plots everything

core module

This is for core callbacks, that defines how everything is going to go

class k1lib.callbacks.core.CoreNormal[source]

Bases: Callback

Just a normal, typical feed forward pass. Deposits variables into Learner at checkpoint inPass:

  • y: attached result tensor after passing through model

class k1lib.callbacks.core.CoreRNN[source]

Bases: Callback

RNN forward pass. Expected variables from k1lib.Learner.model:

  • initHidden: function takes in batch size, returns init hidden tensor

Deposits variables into Learner at checkpoint inPass, more specifically rnnPass:

  • y: attached result tensor after pass (inPass), after character pass (rnnPass)

hookModule module

class k1lib.callbacks.hookModule.HookModule(persistent: bool = False)[source]

Bases: Callback

Hooks into selected modules in the network, and execute functions like .mean(), .std(). This is fairly complicated, and I highly recommend displaying this callback in a cell for more info

__init__(persistent: bool = False)[source]

persistent – whether to save results across runs. If false, then can execute .reset() to reset everything


Intended to be called by end user only, to reset everything if choose to persist results across runs.


By default, data will be erased and populated on each run. If you want the data to persist across runs, call this.


Checkpoint, called when the Callback is temporarily suspended. Overridable


Checkpoint, called when the Callback is back from suspension. Overridable


Hooks into selected modules in the network, and execute functions like .mean(), .std(). This is fairly complicated, and I highly recommend displaying this callback in a cell for more info

css(css: str)

Hooks into selected modules in the network, and execute functions like .mean(), .std(). This is fairly complicated, and I highly recommend displaying this callback in a cell for more info

plot(*fields: ~typing.List[str], f=<k1lib.cli.utils.iden object>)

Plots every simple (1 number saved/pass/module) fields.


fields – list of fields to plot. If none, then will automatically find all simple fields

withBackwardHook(hook: Callable[[Data, Module, Tuple[Tensor], Tuple[Tensor]], None], name: Optional[str] = None)

Adds a hook to the backward pass. See withHook()

withForwardHook(hook: Callable[[Data, Module, Tuple[Tensor], Tuple[Tensor]], None], name: Optional[str] = None)

Adds a hook to the forward pass. See withHook()

withHook(hook: Callable[[Data, Module, Tuple[Tensor], Tuple[Tensor]], None], name: Optional[str] = None)

Adds a hook to both the forward and backward pass.

  • hook

    this function is expected to take in these parameters: (data, module, inp, out)


    the injected dependency for you to store stuff. Initially, data.max is an empty list, and you can append to it directly, like this:

    data.max.append() # okay

    Later on, you can do things like:


    and get the data you saved from the hook.


    the module this function hooks into. Please refer to torch.nn.Module.register_forward_hook() to know more.


    input (or grad of input) to the module


    output (or grad of output) to the module

  • name – custom name for the function for nice displaying

See also: m.withForwardHook(), m.withBackwardHook()


Records max


Records mean


Records min


Records standard deviation

hookParam module

class k1lib.callbacks.hookParam.HookParam[source]

Bases: Callback

Records means and stds of all parameters

css(css: str)[source]

Creates a new HookParam object with selected modules. May be useful for displaying a subset of the recorded data


Records means and stds of all parameters

limits module

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.BatchLimit(limit: int)[source]

Bases: Callback

Cancels the epoch after executed certain number of batches

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.EpochLimit(limit: int)[source]

Bases: Callback

Cancels the run after executed certain number of epochs

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.TimeLimit(seconds=30)[source]

Bases: Callback

Cancels the run after a certain number of seconds have passed

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.CancelOnExplosion(limit: float = 1000000.0)[source]

Bases: Callback

Cancels the run if any of the parameters are larger than a certain limit

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.CancelOnHighAccuracy(accuracy: float)[source]

Bases: Callback

Cancels the run if accuracy is higher than the amount specified

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.CancelOnOverfit(ratio: float = 1.2, alpha: float = 0.99, after: int = 10)[source]

Bases: Callback

Convenience class that acts like defaultdict. You can use it like a normal object:

a = k1lib.Object()
a.b = 3
print(a.b) # outputs "3"

__repr__() output is pretty nice too:

<class '__main__.Object'>, with attrs:
- b

You can instantiate it from a dict:

a = k1lib.Object.fromDict({"b": 3, "c": 4})
print(a.c) # outputs "4"

And you can specify a default value, just like defaultdict:

a = k1lib.Object().withAutoDeclare(lambda: [])
a.texts.extend(["factorio", "world of warcraft"])
print(a.texts[0]) # outputs "factorio"


Default values only work with variables that don’t start with an underscore “_”.

Treating it like defaultdict is okay too:

a = k1lib.Object().withAutoDeclare(lambda: [])
print(a.movies[0]) # outputs "dune" 
__init__(ratio: float = 1.2, alpha: float = 0.99, after: int = 10)[source]

Cancels the run if overfit is detected.

  • ratio – Max ratio between the lowest loss and the current loss before cancelling the run

  • alpha – Moving average’s alpha, used for both minLoss and loss estimates

  • after – After how many epochs should the overfit detection be activated?

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.DontTrain[source]

Bases: Callback

Don’t allow the network to train at all

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.GradientClipping(value: float)[source]

Bases: Callback

Clips gradient to a specific max value

class k1lib.callbacks.limits.GradientClippingNorm(max_norm: float, each: bool = True)[source]

Bases: Callback

Clips gradient to a specific max_norm value. Can choose to lump all params together or do each separately.

See also: GradientClipping callback.

landscape module

class k1lib.callbacks.landscape.Landscape(propertyF: Callable[[Learner], float], name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: Callback

__init__(propertyF: Callable[[Learner], float], name: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Plots the landscape of the network.


propertyF – a function that takes in k1lib.Learner and outputs the desired float property


Remember to detach anything you get from k1lib.Learner in your function, or else you’re gonna cause a huge memory leak.


Creates the landscapes and show plots

loss_accuracy module

class k1lib.callbacks.loss_accuracy.Loss(f=<function Loss.<lambda>>)[source]

Bases: Callback

__init__(f=<function Loss.<lambda>>)[source]

Records losses after each batch. Expected variables in Learner:

  • loss: single float value


f – optional function to get the loss from Learner object

property Landscape

Gets loss-landscape-plotting Callback. Example:

l = k1lib.Learner.sample()

Detaches from the parent Callbacks


Clears saved data

class k1lib.callbacks.loss_accuracy.Accuracy(variable: str = 'accuracy')[source]

Bases: Callback

__init__(variable: str = 'accuracy')[source]

Records accuracies after each batch. Expected variables in Learner:

  • accuracy: single float value from 0 to 1


variable – name of variable expected to be available in Learner

property hasAccF
plot(f=<k1lib.cli.utils.iden object>)[source]

:param f:Optional post-processing cli

property Landscape

Gets accuracy-landscape-plotting Callback. Example:

l = k1lib.Learner.sample()

This exact example won’t work, as the sample Learner task is not categorical, but the general idea still stands


Clears saved data.

paramFinder module

class k1lib.callbacks.paramFinder.ParamFinder(tolerance: float = 10)[source]

Bases: Callback

__init__(tolerance: float = 10)[source]

Automatically finds out the right value for a specific parameter.


tolerance – how much higher should the loss be to be considered a failure?

property samples
property value
property lossAvgs
property suggestedValue

The suggested param value. Has to run() first, before this value exists

plot(*args, **kwargs)

Plots loss at different param scales. Automatically run() if hasn’t, returns a k1lib.viz.SliceablePlot.


args – Arguments to pass through to run() if a run is required. Just for convenience sake

run(param: str = 'lr', samples: int = 300) float

Finds the optimin param value.


samples – how many samples to test between \(10^{-6}\) to \(10^2\)


the suggested param value

profiler module

class k1lib.callbacks.profiler.Profiler[source]

Bases: Callback

Profiles memory, time, and computational complexity of the network. See over k1lib.callbacks.profilers for more details on each of these profilers


Clears every child profilers

property memory: MemoryProfiler

Gets MemoryProfiler

property computation: ComputationProfiler

Gets ComputationProfiler

property time: TimeProfiler

Gets TimeProfiler

property io: IOProfiler

Gets IOProfiler

progress module

class k1lib.callbacks.progress.ProgressBar[source]

Bases: Callback

Displays the current progress, epoch and batch while running. Deposits variables into Learner at checkpoint startBatch:

  • progress: single float from 0 to 1, guaranteed to increase monotonically

  • epochThroughput

  • remaining: estimated remaining time. Does not take into account callbacks that can potentially cancel the run prematurely

plot(f=<k1lib.cli.utils.iden object>, perEpoch=False, _window=2)[source]

Plots detailed partial execution time profile.

  • f – optional post processing step

  • perEpoch – if True, normalize time per epoch, else keep it at time per run

  • _window – number of batches to calculate the processing rate over. Put low values (min 2) to make it crisp (and inaccurate), put high values to make it smooth (and accurate)

recorder module

class k1lib.callbacks.recorder.Recorder[source]

Bases: Callback

Records xb, yb and y from a short run. No training involved. Example:

l = k1lib.Learner.sample()
xbs, ybs, ys = l.Recorder.record(1, 2)
xbs # list of x batches passed in
ybs # list of y batches passed in, "the correct label"
ys #  list of network's output

If you have extra metadata in your dataloader, then the recorder will return (xb, yb, metab, ys) instead:

# creating a new dataloader that yields (xb, yb, metadata)
x = torch.linspace(-5, 5, 1000); meta = torch.tensor(range(1000))
dl = [x, x+2, meta] | transpose() | randomize(None) | repeatFrom() | batched()    | (transpose() | (toTensor() + toTensor() + toTensor())).all() | stagger(50)

l = k1lib.Learner.sample(); l.data = [dl, []]
xbs, ybs, metabs, ys = l.Recorder.record(1, 2)
record(epochs: int = 1, batches: Optional[int] = None) Tuple[List[Tensor], List[Tensor], List[Tensor]][source]

Returns recorded xBatch, yBatch and answer y

shorts module

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.Autosave[source]

Bases: Callback

Autosaves 3 versions of the network to disk

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.DontTrainValid[source]

Bases: Callback

If is not training, then don’t run m.backward() and opt.step(). The core training loop in k1lib.Learner don’t specifically do this, cause there may be some weird cases where you want to also train valid.

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.InspectLoss(f)[source]

Bases: Callback

Expected f to take in 1 float.

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.ModifyLoss(f)[source]

Bases: Callback

Expected f to take in 1 float and return 1 float.

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.Cpu[source]

Bases: Callback

Moves batch and model to CPU

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.Cuda[source]

Bases: Callback

Moves batch and model to the default GPU

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.DType(dtype)[source]

Bases: Callback

Moves batch and model to a specified data type

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.InspectBatch(f: callable)[source]

Bases: Callback

Expected f to take in 2 tensors.

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.ModifyBatch(f)[source]

Bases: Callback

Modifies xb and yb on the fly. Expected f to take in 2 tensors and return 2 tensors.

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.InspectOutput(f)[source]

Bases: Callback

Expected f to take in 1 tensor.

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.ModifyOutput(f)[source]

Bases: Callback

Modifies output on the fly. Expected f to take in 1 tensor and return 1 tensor

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.Beep[source]

Bases: Callback

Plays a beep sound when the run is over

class k1lib.callbacks.shorts.OnProgress(f: Callable[[Learner], None], progress: float)[source]

Bases: Callback

Triggers a specific function once when reached a certain progress.

  • f – function that takes in a Learner object

  • progress – progress to trigger the function, from 0 to 1