For operations that feel like the termination of operations
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Iterator, Any
from k1lib.cli.init import BaseCli; import k1lib.cli.init as init
import numbers, numpy as np, k1lib, tempfile, os, sys, time, math, json, re
from k1lib import cli; from k1lib.cli.typehint import *
plt = k1lib.dep.plt
try: import torch; hasTorch = True
except: hasTorch = False
__all__ = ["stdout", "tee", "file", "pretty", "unpretty", "display", "headOut",
"intercept", "plotImgs"]
settings = k1lib.settings.cli
[docs]class stdout(BaseCli): # stdout
[docs] def __init__(self): # stdout
"""Prints out all lines. If not iterable, then print out the input
raw. Example::
# prints out "0\\n1\\n2"
range(3) | stdout()
# same as above, but (maybe?) more familiar
range(3) > stdout()
This is rarely used alone. It's more common to use :meth:`headOut`
for list of items, and :meth:`display` for tables.""" # stdout
super().__init__() # stdout
def _typehint(self, inp): return None # stdout
[docs] def __ror__(self, it:Iterator[str]): # stdout
try: # stdout
it = iter(it) # stdout
for line in it: print(line) # stdout
except TypeError: print(it) # stdout
_defaultTeeF = lambda s: f"{s}\n" # stdout
[docs]class tee(BaseCli): # tee
[docs] def __init__(self, f=_defaultTeeF, s=None, every:int=1, delay:float=0): # tee
"""Like the Linux ``tee`` command, this prints the elements to another
specified stream, while yielding the elements. Example::
# prints "0) 0\\n1) 1\\n2) 2\\n3) 3\\n4) 4\\n" and returns [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]
range(5) | tee() | apply(op() ** 2) | deref()
See also: :class:`~k1lib.cli.modifier.consume`
This cli is not exactly well-thoughout and is a little janky
:param f: element transform function. Defaults to just adding a new
line at the end
:param s: stream to write to. Defaults to :attr:`sys.stdout`
:param every: only prints out 1 line in ``every`` lines, to limit print rate
:param delay: if subsequent prints are less than this number of seconds apart then don't print them""" # tee
self.s = s or sys.stdout; self.f = f; self.every = every; self.delay = delay # tee
[docs] def __ror__(self, it): # tee
s = self.s; f = self.f; every = self.every; delay = self.delay # tee
lastTime = 0 # tee
for i, e in enumerate(init.dfGuard(it)): # tee
if i % every == 0 and time.time()-lastTime > delay: # tee
print(f" \r{i}) {f(e)}", end="", file=s); lastTime = time.time() # tee
yield e # tee
[docs] def cr(self): # tee
"""Tee, but replaces the previous line. "cr" stands for carriage return.
# prints "4" and returns [0, 1, 4, 9, 16]. Does print all the numbers in the middle, but is overriden
range(5) | tee().cr() | apply(op() ** 2) | deref()""" # tee
f = (lambda x: x) if self.f == _defaultTeeF else self.f # tee
self.f = lambda s: f"{f(s)}"; return self # tee
[docs] def crt(self): # tee
"""Like :meth:`tee.cr`, but includes an elapsed time text at the end.
range(5) | tee().cr() | apply(op() ** 2) | deref()""" # tee
beginTime = time.time(); every = self.every; autoInc = k1lib.AutoIncrement() # tee
f = (lambda x: x) if self.f == _defaultTeeF else self.f # tee
self.f = lambda s: f"{f(s)}, {int(time.time() - beginTime)}s elapsed, throughput: {k1lib.fmt.throughput(autoInc()*every/(time.time() - beginTime))}"; return self # tee
[docs] def autoInc(self): # tee
"""Like :meth:`tee.crt`, but instead of printing the object, just print
the current index and time""" # tee
beginTime = time.time(); autoInc = k1lib.AutoIncrement(); every = self.every # tee
self.f = lambda s: f"{autoInc()}, {int(time.time()-beginTime)}s elapsed, throughput: {k1lib.fmt.throughput(autoInc.value*every/(time.time() - beginTime))}"; return self # tee
try: # tee
import PIL; hasPIL = True # tee
except: hasPIL = False # tee
[docs]class file(BaseCli): # file
[docs] def __init__(self, fileName:str=None, flush:bool=False, mkdir:bool=False): # file
"""Opens a new file for writing. This will iterate through
the iterator fed to it and put each element on a separate line. Example::
# writes "0\\n1\\n2\\n" to file
range(3) | file("test/f.txt")
# same as above, but (maybe?) more familiar
range(3) > file("text/f.txt")
# returns ['0', '1', '2']
cat("folder/f.txt") | deref()
If the input is a string, then it will just put the string into the
file and does not iterate through the string::
# writes "some text\\n123" to file, default iterator mode like above
["some text", "123"] | file("test/f.txt")
# same as above, but this is a special case when it detects you're piping in a string
"some text\\n123" | file("test/f.txt")
If the input is a :class:`bytes` object or an iterator of :class:`bytes`, then it
will open the file in binary mode and dumps the bytes in::
# writes bytes to file
b'5643' | file("test/a.bin")
[b'56', b'43'] >> file("test/a.bin")
# returns ['56435643']
cat("test/a.bin") | deref()
If the input is a :class:`PIL.Image.Image` object, then it will just save the image in
the file::
# creates an random image and saves it to a file
torch.randn(100, 200) | toImg() | file("a.png")
Reminder that the image pixel range is expected to be from 0 to 255. You
can create temporary files on the fly by not specifying a file name::
# creates temporary file
url = range(3) > file()
# returns ['0', '1', '2']
cat(url) | deref()
This can be especially useful when integrating with shell scripts that wants to
read in a file::
# use "needle" program to locally align 2 sequences
None | cmd(f"needle {seq1 > file()} {seq2 > file()} -filter")
You can also append to file with the ">>" operator::
url = range(3) > file()
# appended to file
range(10, 13) >> file(url)
# returns ['0', '1', '2', '10', '11', '12']
cat(url) | deref()
:param fileName: if not specified, create new temporary file and returns the url
when pipes into it
:param flush: whether to flush to file immediately after every iteration
:param mkdir: whether to recursively make directories going to the file location or not""" # file
super().__init__(); self.fileName = fileName; self.flush = flush; self.mkdir = mkdir # file
self.append = False # whether to append to file rather than erasing it # file
[docs] def __ror__(self, it:Iterator[str]) -> None: # file
super().__ror__(it); fileName = self.fileName; flushF = (lambda f: f.flush()) if self.flush else (lambda _: 0) # file
if fileName is None: # file
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() # file
fileName = f.name; f.close() # file
fileName = os.path.expanduser(fileName); firstLine = None # file
if self.mkdir: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fileName), exist_ok=True) # file
if hasPIL and isinstance(it, PIL.Image.Image): it.save(fileName); return fileName # file
if isinstance(it, str): it = [it]; text = True # file
elif isinstance(it, bytes): text = False # file
else: # file
it = iter(it); sentinel = object(); firstLine = next(it, sentinel) # file
if firstLine is sentinel: # no elements at all # file
with open(fileName, "w") as f: f.write("") # file
return fileName # file
text = not isinstance(firstLine, bytes) # file
if text: # file
with open(fileName, "a" if self.append else "w") as f: # file
if firstLine is not None: f.write(f"{firstLine}\n") # file
for line in it: f.write(f"{line}\n"); flushF(f) # file
else: # file
with open(fileName, "ab" if self.append else "wb") as f: # file
if firstLine is not None: # file
f.write(firstLine) # file
for e in it: f.write(e); flushF(f) # file
else: f.write(it) # file
return fileName # file
def __rrshift__(self, it): # file
self.append = True # why do this? because `a | b >> c` will be interpreted as `a | (b >> c)` # file
if isinstance(it, BaseCli): return cli.serial(it, self) # file
else: return self.__ror__(it) # file
@property # file
def name(self): # file
"""File name of this :class:`file`""" # file
return self.fileName # file
[docs]class pretty(BaseCli): # pretty
[docs] def __init__(self, delim="", left=True): # pretty
"""Pretty-formats a table, or a list of tables.
# These 2 statements are pretty much the same
[range(10), range(10, 20)] | head(5) | pretty() > stdout()
[range(10), range(10, 20)] | display()
They both print::
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
This can also pretty-formats multiple tables::
[[range(10), range(10, 20)], [["abc", "defff"], ["1", "1234567"]]] | ~pretty() | joinStreams() | stdout()
This will print::
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
abc defff
1 1234567
:param delim: delimiter between elements within a row. You might want
to set it to "|" to create an artificial border or sth
:param left: whether to left or right-align each element""" # pretty
self.delim = delim; self.inverted = False; self.left = left # pretty
def _typehint(self, inp): return tIter(str) # pretty
[docs] def __ror__(self, it) -> Iterator[str]: # pretty
inv = self.inverted; delim = self.delim; left = self.left; it = init.dfGuard(it) # pretty
if inv: tables = [[list(i1) for i1 in i2] for i2 in it] # pretty
else: tables = [[list(i1) for i1 in it]] # pretty
widths = defaultdict(lambda: 0) # pretty
for table in tables: # pretty
for row in table: # pretty
for i, e in enumerate(row): # pretty
e = f"{e}"; row[i] = e # pretty
widths[i] = max(len(e), widths[i]) # pretty
def gen(table): # pretty
if left: # pretty
for row in table: yield delim.join(e.rstrip(" ").ljust(w+3) for w, e in zip(widths.values(), row)) # pretty
else: # pretty
for row in table: yield delim.join(e.rstrip(" ").rjust(w+3) for w, e in zip(widths.values(), row)) # pretty
if inv: return tables | cli.apply(gen) # pretty
else: return gen(tables[0]) # pretty
[docs] def __invert__(self): self.inverted = not self.inverted; return self # pretty
def _jsF(self, meta): # pretty
fIdx = init._jsFAuto(); dataIdx = init._jsDAuto() # pretty
return f"{fIdx} = ({dataIdx}) => {dataIdx}.pretty({json.dumps(self.delim)}, {cli.kjs.v(self.inverted)})", fIdx # pretty
[docs]def display(lines:int=10): # display
"""Convenience method for displaying a table.
Pretty much equivalent to ``head() | pretty() | stdout()``.
See also: :class:`pretty`""" # display
f = pretty() | stdout() # display
if lines is None: return f # display
else: return cli.head(lines) | f # display
[docs]def headOut(lines:int=10): # headOut
"""Convenience method for head() | stdout()""" # headOut
if lines is None: return stdout() # headOut
else: return cli.head(lines) | stdout() # headOut
[docs]class unpretty(BaseCli): # unpretty
[docs] def __init__(self, ncols:int=None, left=True, headers=None): # unpretty
"""Takes in a stream of strings, assumes it's a table, and tries to
split every line into multiple columns. Example::
# returns ['0 1 2 ', '3 4 5 ', '6 7 8 ']
a = range(10) | batched(3) | pretty() | deref()
# returns [['0 ', '1 ', '2 '], ['3 ', '4 ', '5 '], ['6 ', '7 ', '8 ']]
a | unpretty(3) | deref()
This cli will take the number of columns requested and try to split into a table by analyzing
at what character column does it transition from a space to a non-space (left align), or from
a non-space to a space (right align). Then the first ``ncols`` most popular transitions are
Sometimes this is not robust enough, may be some of your columns have lots of empty elements,
then the transition counts will be skewed, making it split up at strange places. In those cases,
you can specify the headers directly, like this::
# returns ['a b c ', '3 5 11 ', '4 6 7 ']
a = [["a", 3, 4], ["b", 5, 6], ["c", 11, 7]] | transpose() | pretty() | deref()
# returns [['a ', 'b ', 'c '], ['3 ', '5 ', '11 '], ['4 ', '6 ', '7 ']]
a | unpretty(headers=["a", "b", "c"]) | deref()
:param ncols: number of columns
:param left: whether the data is left or right aligned
:param header:""" # unpretty
self.ncols = ncols; self.left = left; self.headers = headers # unpretty
self.pat = re.compile(" [^ ]+") if left else re.compile("[^ ]+ ") # unpretty
[docs] def __ror__(self, it): # unpretty
ncols = self.ncols; left = self.left; pat = self.pat; headers = self.headers # unpretty
if headers is not None: ncols = len(headers) # unpretty
if ncols < 1: raise Exception(f"Does not make sense to unpretty() into {ncols} columns") # unpretty
if ncols == 1: return it # unpretty
if headers is None: # unpretty
try: len(it) # unpretty
except: it = list(it) # unpretty
splits = it | cli.head(10000) | (cli.apply(lambda x: (m.start()+1 for m in re.finditer(pat, x))) if left else cli.apply(lambda x: (m.end()-1 for m in re.finditer(pat, x))))\
| cli.joinSt() | cli.count() | ~cli.sort() | cli.cut(1) | cli.head(ncols-1) | cli.sort(None) | cli.aS(list) # unpretty
else: # unpretty
firstRow, it = it | cli.peek() # unpretty
if it == []: return [] # unpretty
splits = sorted([firstRow.find(h) for h in headers])[1:] # unpretty
if ncols == 2: c = splits[0]; return ([row[:c],row[c:]] for row in it) # unpretty
a,*r,b = splits; s = splits | cli.window(2) | ~cli.apply(lambda x,y: f"x[{x}:{y}], ") | cli.join("") # unpretty
f = eval(f"lambda x: [x[:{a}], {s}x[{b}:]]"); return (f(row) for row in it) # unpretty
def tab(text, pad=" "): # tab
return "\n".join([pad + line for line in text.split("\n")]) # tab
[docs]class intercept(BaseCli): # intercept
[docs] def __init__(self, f=None, raiseError:bool=True, delay=0): # intercept
"""Intercept flow at a particular point, analyze the object piped in using the specified
function "f", and raises error to stop flow. Example::
3 | intercept()
This is useful to diagnose what happens inside a mess of clis::
... | apply(A | B | intercept()) | ... # intercepts flow by throwing an error. Prints shape of element
... | apply(A | B | intercept(deref())) | ... # intercepts flow by throwing an error. Prints actual element
... | apply(A | B | intercept(deref() | aS(pprint.pformat))) | ... # intercepts flow by throwing an error. Prints actual element, but pretty-formatted
... | apply(A | B | intercept(deref(), delay=3)) | ... # intercepts flow by throwing an error. Prints actual element after intercept().__ror__ has been called 3 times
:param f: prints out the object transformed by this function. By default it's :class:`~k1lib.cli.utils.shape`
:param raiseError: whether to raise error when executed or not
:param delay: won't do anything after this has been called this number of times""" # intercept
self.f = f or cli.shape(); self.raiseError = raiseError; self.delay = delay; self.count = 0 # intercept
[docs] def __ror__(self, s): # intercept
self.count += 1 # intercept
if self.count > self.delay: # intercept
print(type(s)); print(self.f(s)) # intercept
if self.raiseError: raise RuntimeError("intercepted") # intercept
return s # intercept
[docs]class plotImgs(BaseCli): # plotImgs
[docs] def __init__(self, col=5, aspect=1, fac=2, axis=False, table=False, im=False): # plotImgs
"""Plots a bunch of images at the same time in a table.
# plots all images
[torch.randn(10, 20), torch.randn(20, 10)] | plotImgs()
# plots all images with titles
[[torch.randn(10, 20), "img 1"], [torch.randn(20, 10), "img 2"]] | plotImgs()
If you have multiple rows with different number of images, you can
plot that with this too, just set ``table=True`` like this::
[[torch.randn(10, 20), torch.randn(20, 10)], [torch.randn(10, 20)]] | plotImgs(table=True)
There's another cli that kinda does what this does: :class:`~k1lib.cli.utils.sketch`. You have
more control over there, and it does roughly what this cli does, but the typical usage is
different. This is more for plotting static, throwaway list of 2d arrays, like training set
images, where as :class:`~k1lib.cli.utils.sketch` is more about plotting results of detailed
:param col: number of columns in the table. If explicitly None, it will turn
into the number of images fed. Not available if ``table=True``
:param aspect: aspect ratio of each images, or ratio between width and height
:param fac: figsize factor. The higher, the more resolution
:param axis: whether to display the axis or not
:param table: whether to plot using table mode
:param im: if True, returns an image""" # plotImgs
self.col = col; self.fac = fac; self.axis = axis; self.aspect = aspect; self.table = table; self.im = im # plotImgs
[docs] def __ror__(self, imgs): # plotImgs
imgs = imgs | cli.deref(); col = self.col; fac = self.fac; aspect = self.aspect**0.5 # plotImgs
if not self.table: # main code # plotImgs
if len(imgs) == 0: return # plotImgs
if col is None or col > len(imgs): col = len(imgs) # plotImgs
n = math.ceil(len(imgs)/col) # plotImgs
fig, axes = plt.subplots(n, col, figsize=(col*fac*aspect, n*fac/aspect)); # plotImgs
axes = axes.flatten() if isinstance(axes, np.ndarray) else [axes] # plotImgs
for ax, im in zip(axes, imgs): # plotImgs
plt.sca(ax) # plotImgs
if isinstance(im, (list, tuple)): plt.imshow(im[0]); plt.title(im[1]) # plotImgs
else: plt.imshow(im) # plotImgs
if not self.axis: ax.axis("off") # plotImgs
for i in range(len(imgs), len(axes)): axes[i].remove() # removing leftover axes # plotImgs
else: # plotImgs
if col != 5: raise Exception("Currently in table mode, can't set `col` parameter") # change this value to match col's default value # plotImgs
h = imgs | cli.shape(0); w = imgs | cli.shape(0).all() | cli.toMax() # plotImgs
fig, axes = plt.subplots(h, w, figsize=(w*fac*aspect, h*fac/aspect)); # plotImgs
for rAx, rIm in zip(axes, imgs): # plotImgs
for cAx, cIm in zip(rAx, rIm): # plotImgs
plt.sca(cAx) # plotImgs
if isinstance(cIm, (list, tuple)): plt.imshow(cIm[0]); plt.title(cIm[1]) # plotImgs
else: plt.imshow(cIm) # plotImgs
if not self.axis: cAx.axis("off") # plotImgs
for i in range(len(rIm), len(rAx)): rAx[i].remove() # removing leftover axes # plotImgs
plt.tight_layout() # plotImgs
if self.im: return plt.gcf() | cli.toImg() # plotImgs