"""All tools related to xml file format. Expected to use behind the "kxml"
module name, like this::
from k1lib.imports import *
cat("abc.xml") | kxml.node() | kxml.display()
from k1lib import cli; from typing import Iterator
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET; import copy, xml, k1lib
from typing import List
from k1lib.cli.typehint import *
__all__ = ["node", "maxDepth", "tags", "pretty", "display"]
[docs]class node(cli.BaseCli): # node
"""Turns lines into a single
node. Example::
s = \"\"\"
# returns root node
s | kxml.node()
# same thing as above, demonstrating you can pipe in list of strings
s.split(\"\\n\") | kxml.node()
""" # node
def _typehint(self, inp): return ET.Element # node
[docs] def __ror__(self, it:Iterator[str]) -> ET.Element: # node
return ET.fromstring("".join(it)) # node
def oCatNode(cs, ts, _): # oCatNode
c, n = cs # oCatNode
if c.text: # oCatNode
def inner(fn): # oCatNode
with open(fn) as f: return ET.fromstring(f.read()) # oCatNode
return [cli.aS(inner).hint(ET.Element)] # oCatNode
tOpt.addPass(oCatNode, [cli.cat().__class__, node]) # oCatNode
def _maxDepth(node, maxDepth:int, depth:int=0): # _maxDepth
if depth >= maxDepth: # _maxDepth
while len(node) > 0: del node[0] # _maxDepth
for n in node: _maxDepth(n, maxDepth, depth+1) # _maxDepth
return node # _maxDepth
[docs]class maxDepth(cli.BaseCli): # maxDepth
[docs] def __init__(self, depth:int=None, copy:bool=True): # maxDepth
"""Filters out too deep nodes.
# returns root node, but prunes children deeper than the specified depth
s | kxml.node() | kxml.maxDepth()
:param depth: max depth to include in
:param copy: whether to limit the nodes itself, or limit a copy""" # maxDepth
self.depth = depth if depth != None else float("inf") # maxDepth
self.copy = copy # maxDepth
[docs] def __ror__(self, node:ET.Element) -> ET.Element: # maxDepth
if self.copy: node = copy.deepcopy(node) # maxDepth
return _maxDepth(node, self.depth) # maxDepth
def _tags(node, tag:str, nested): # _tags
if node.tag == tag: yield node # _tags
if node.tag != tag or nested: # _tags
for n in node: yield from _tags(n, tag, nested) # _tags
def _pretty(node, depth:int=0, indents=[]): # _pretty
attr = "".join([f" {k}=\"{v}\"" for k, v in node.attrib.items()]) # _pretty
text = (node.text or "").strip("\t \n\r") # _pretty
if len(node) == 0: # _pretty
if text == "": yield indents[depth] + f"<{node.tag}{attr}/>" # _pretty
else: yield indents[depth] + f"<{node.tag}{attr}>{text}</{node.tag}>" # _pretty
else: # _pretty
yield indents[depth] + f"<{node.tag}{attr}>" # _pretty
for n in node: yield from _pretty(n, depth+1, indents) # _pretty
yield indents[depth] + f"</{node.tag}>" # _pretty
[docs]class pretty(cli.BaseCli): # pretty
[docs] def __init__(self, indent:str=None): # pretty
"""Converts the element into a list of xml strings, and make them pretty.
# prints out the element
s | kxml.node() | kxml.pretty() | stdout()""" # pretty
self.indent = cli.init.patchDefaultIndent(indent) # pretty
[docs] def __ror__(self, it:ET.Element) -> Iterator[str]: # pretty
indents = [i*self.indent for i in range(100)] # pretty
return _pretty(it, indents=indents) | cli.filt(cli.op().strip() != "") # pretty
[docs]class display(cli.BaseCli): # display
[docs] def __init__(self, depth:int=3, lines:int=20): # display
"""Convenience method for getting head, make it pretty and print it out.
# prints out the element
s | kxml.node() | kxml.display()
:param depth: prune tags deeper than the specified depth. Put "None" to not prune at all
:param lines: max number of lines to print out. Put "None" if you want to display everything""" # display
self.depth = depth; self.lines = lines # display
[docs] def __ror__(self, it:ET.Element, lines=10): # display
if self.depth is not None: it = it | maxDepth(self.depth) # display
it | pretty() | cli.head(self.lines) | cli.stdout() # display