This includes helper clis that make it quick to graph graphviz plots."""
__all__ = ["sketch", "nodes", "edges", "Graph", "InteractiveGraph"]
import re, k1lib, math, os, numpy as np, io, json, base64, unicodedata, inspect, time, html
from k1lib.cli.init import BaseCli; import k1lib.cli as cli, k1lib.cli.init as init
graphviz = k1lib.dep.graphviz
from collections import deque, defaultdict
settings = k1lib.settings.cli
_svgAutoInc = k1lib.AutoIncrement(prefix="_k1_svg_")
_preAutoInc = k1lib.AutoIncrement(prefix="_k1_svg_pre_")
_clusterAuto = k1lib.AutoIncrement(prefix="cluster_")
_idxAuto = k1lib.AutoIncrement(prefix="_idx_")
[docs]class sketch(BaseCli): # sketch
_g = None; _name2Idx = None; ctxIdx = None # sketch
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): # sketch
"""Similar to :class:`~k1lib.cli.utils.sketch`, which makes it easier to plot multiple graphs quickly,
this makes it easier to plot node graphs a lot quicker than I have before. This cli
configures the graph in general, but doesn't dive too much into the specifics. Example::
["ab", "bc", "ca"] | (kgv.sketch(engine="sfdp") | kgv.edges())
[["ab", "bc", "ca"], ["b", "c", "d"]] | (kgv.sketch() | kgv.edges() + kgv.nodes())
Most of the complexities are in :class:`edges`, so check that class out for more comprehensive examples
:param kwargs: keyword arguments passed into :class:`graphviz.Digraph`""" # sketch
super().__init__(capture=True); self.kwargs = kwargs # sketch
@staticmethod # sketch
def _guard(): # sketch
if sketch._g is None: raise Exception("Context has not been setup yet, can't proceed to plot the edges/nodes. This could be because you're doing `data | kgv.edges()` directly. Instead, do `data | (kgv.sketch() | kgv.edges())`. The operation `kgv.sketch()` will initialize the graph") # sketch
[docs] def __ror__(self, it): # sketch
sketch._g = g = graphviz.Digraph(**self.kwargs); sketch._idx2Popup = idx2Popup = {}; sketch._idx2Onclick = idx2Onclick = {} # sketch
sketch._name2Idx = name2Idx = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: _idxAuto())) # sketch
sketch._nodes = nodes = []; sketch._edges = edges = []; it | self.capturedSerial | cli.deref() # sketch
sketch._g = None; sketch._idx2Popup = None; sketch._idx2Onclick = None; sketch._name2Idx = None; sketch._nodes = None; sketch._edges = None # sketch
return Graph(g, name2Idx, idx2Popup, idx2Onclick, nodes, edges, self.kwargs) # sketch
def _jsF(self, meta): # sketch
fIdx = init._jsFAuto(); dataIdx = init._jsDAuto(); ctxIdx = init._jsDAuto(); sketch.ctxIdx = ctxIdx # sketch
header, _fIdx, _async = k1lib.kast.asyncGuard(self.capturedSerial._jsF(meta)) # sketch
res = f"""\
{ctxIdx} = null;\n{header}
{fIdx} = async ({dataIdx}) => {{
{ctxIdx} = [];
const out = {'await ' if _async else ''}{_fIdx}({dataIdx});
const res = (await (await fetch("https://local.mlexps.com/routeServer/kapi_10-graphviz", {{
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({{ "obj": {ctxIdx}, "sketchKw": {json.dumps(self.kwargs)} }}),
headers: {{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }}
if (!res.success) throw new Error(res.reason);
return atob(res.data);
}}""", fIdx # sketch
sketch.ctxIdx = None; return res # sketch
[docs]class nodes(BaseCli): # nodes
[docs] def __init__(self, postProcessF=None): # nodes
"""Plots out nodes of the graph.
["a", "b"] | kgv.nodes() # creates nodes with labels "a" and "b"
[["s", "a"]] | kgv.nodes() # creates node with label "a" in subgraph with title "s"
[["", "a"], ["", "b"]] | kgv.nodes() # creates nodes with labels "a" and "b", like the first line
# displays popup window when user hovers over the node "a"
[["", "a", {"popup": "Some <b>html</b> content"}]] | kgv.nodes()
# executes function when user clicks on the node "a". "nodeId" is a string that looks like "_idx_23" that uniquely identifies the node. "context" is a dict with various objects from the generated js code. Mess around with it to see what's inside
[["", "a", {"onclick": "(nodeId, context) => console.log('clicked')"}]] | kgv.nodes()
Each row can be multiple different lengths, but only these configurations are allowed:
- [name]
- [group, name]
- [group, name, kwargs]
- [group, name, kwargs, extraData]
See also: :class:`edges`
:param postProcessF: optional function that will be executed over the whole table (N, 4)""" # nodes
self.postProcessF = cli.aS(postProcessF or cli.iden()); self._ogPostProcessF = postProcessF # nodes
[docs] def __ror__(self, _it) -> "``5-column input``": # nodes
if sketch._g is None: return _it | (sketch() | self) # nodes
sketch._guard(); it = [] # nodes
for row in _it: # nodes
n = len(row) # nodes
if n == 1: it.append(["", row[0], {}, None]) # nodes
elif n == 2: it.append([*row, {}, None]) # nodes
elif n == 3: it.append([*row, None]) # nodes
elif n == 4: it.append(row) # nodes
else: raise Exception(f"kgv.nodes() can only accept tables from 1 to 4 columns. Detected {n} columns instead") # nodes
sketch._nodes.append((it, self._ogPostProcessF)); it = self.postProcessF(it); g = sketch._g; name2Idx = sketch._name2Idx # nodes
for s1,n1,kw,_ in it: # subgraph, node, kwargs # nodes
idx = name2Idx[s1][n1] # nodes
if "popup" in kw: sketch._idx2Popup[idx] = kw["popup"]; kw = dict(kw); del kw["popup"] # nodes
if "onclick" in kw: sketch._idx2Onclick[idx] = kw["onclick"]; kw = dict(kw); del kw["onclick"] # nodes
g.node(idx, **{"label": n1, **kw}) # nodes
return it # nodes
def _jsF(self, meta): # nodes
fIdx = init._jsFAuto(); dataIdx = init._jsDAuto(); ctxIdx = sketch.ctxIdx; # nodes
if ctxIdx is None: return (sketch() | self)._jsF(meta) # nodes
h1,f1,a1 = k1lib.kast.asyncGuard(self.postProcessF._jsF(meta)) # nodes
return f"""{h1}
{fIdx} = {'async ' if a1 else ''}({dataIdx}) => {{
let it = [];
for (const row of {dataIdx}) {{
const n = row.length;
if (n === 1) it.push(["", row[0], {{}}, null]);
else if (n === 2) it.push([...row, {{}}, null]);
else if (n === 3) it.push([...row, null]);
else if (n === 4) it.push(row);
else throw new Error(`kgv.nodes() can only accept tables from 1 to 4 columns. Detected ${{n}} columns instead`)
it = {'await ' if a1 else ''}{f1}(it);
{ctxIdx}.push(["nodes", {{it, args: []}}]); return it;
""", fIdx # nodes
def drawSimple(g, names, data, name2Idx): # data here is List[[name1, name2, kw]], names is List[name] # drawSimple
for name in set(names): g.node(name2Idx[name], name); # drawSimple
for name1, name2, kw in data: g.edge(name2Idx[name1], name2Idx[name2], **kw) # drawSimple
[docs]class edges(BaseCli): # edges
blurb="Plots out edges of the graph" # edges
[docs] def __init__(self, postProcessF=None): # edges
"""Plots out edges of the graph.
Example 1::
["ab", "bc", "ca"] | kgv.edges()
.. image:: ../images/kgv_edges_1.png
If you need to customize the graph on initialization, then you can use :class:`sketch` to
capture related operations (like :class:`edges`), and inject your params in :class:`sketch`::
["ab", "bc", "ca"] | (kgv.sketch(engine="sfdp") | kgv.edges())
Example 2::
[["a", "b", {"label": "3%"}], ["b", "c", {"color": "red"}], "ac", "cb"] | kgv.edges()
.. image:: ../images/kgv_edges_2.png
Example 3::
[["group1", "a", "group1", "b", {"label": "3%"}],
["group1", "b", "", "c", {"color": "red"}],
["group1", "a", "", "c"],
["", "c", "group1", "b"],
["", "c", "group2", "d", {"color": "green"}]
] | kgv.edges()
.. image:: ../images/kgv_edges_3.png
So the idea is, each row describes a single edge on the graph. Each row
can be multiple different lengths, but only these configurations are allowed:
- [name1, name2]
- [name1, name2, kwargs]
- [group1, name1, group2, name2]
- [group1, name1, group2, name2, kwargs]
- [group1, name1, group2, name2, kwargs, extraData]
So if you don't need the complexity and just want to plot something out, you
can just use the one at the top, but if you do want fancy features, then you
can add those in the kwargs. The "extraData" is not used to graph at all, but
is there so that you can put any random data there, potentially to be used to
tweak the edges downstream by the postProcessF function. If there are multiple
post process functions defined by multiple calls to :class:`edges`, then they
will all be executed one after another, serially.
See also: :class:`nodes`, :class:`sketch`.
Check out a gallery of more examples at `kapi/10-graphviz <https://mlexps.com/kapi/10-graphviz/>`_.
:param postProcessF: optional function that will be executed over the whole table (N, 6)""" # edges
self.postProcessF = cli.aS(postProcessF or cli.iden()); self._ogPostProcessF = postProcessF # edges
[docs] def __ror__(self, _it) -> "``5-column input``": # edges
if sketch._g is None: return _it | (sketch() | self) # edges
sketch._guard(); it = [] # edges
for row in _it: # edges
n = len(row) # edges
if n == 2: it.append(["", row[0], "", row[1], {}, None]) # edges
elif n == 3: it.append(["", row[0], "", row[1], row[2], None]) # edges
elif n == 4: it.append([*row, {}, None]) # edges
elif n == 5: it.append([*row, None]) # edges
elif n == 6: it.append(row) # edges
else: raise Exception(f"kgv.edges() can only accept tables from 2 to 6 columns. Detected {n} columns instead") # edges
sketch._edges.append((it, self._ogPostProcessF)); it = self.postProcessF(it); g = sketch._g; name2Idx = sketch._name2Idx # edges
# grouping by segments and drawing their internals first # edges
for segN, names in it | (cli.batched(2) | cli.head(2)).all() | cli.joinSt() | cli.groupBy(0, True) | cli.apply(cli.joinSt(), 1) | cli.deref(): # edges
if segN: # edges
with g.subgraph(name=_clusterAuto()) as subG: # edges
subG.attr(label=f"{segN}"); drawSimple(subG, names, it | cli.filt(cli.op() == segN, [0, 2]) | cli.cut(1, 3, 4) | cli.deref(), name2Idx[segN]) # edges
else: drawSimple(g, names, it | cli.filt(cli.op() == segN, [0, 2]) | cli.cut(1, 3, 4) | cli.deref(), name2Idx[""]) # edges
# then draw external edges # edges
for s1, n1, s2, n2, kw, _ in it | cli.filt(lambda x: x[0] != x[2]): g.edge(name2Idx[s1][n1], name2Idx[s2][n2], **kw) # edges
return it # edges
def _jsF(self, meta): # edges
fIdx = init._jsFAuto(); dataIdx = init._jsDAuto(); ctxIdx = sketch.ctxIdx; # edges
if ctxIdx is None: return (sketch() | self)._jsF(meta) # edges
h1,f1,a1 = k1lib.kast.asyncGuard(self.postProcessF._jsF(meta)) # edges
return f"""{h1}
{fIdx} = {'async ' if a1 else ''}({dataIdx}) => {{
// why not just pass dataIdx in directly? Well, in Python, the interface is that __ror__ should return a 6-column input, so here, gotta honor that, in case the user has some operation downstream of this
let it = [];
for (const row of {dataIdx}) {{
const n = row.length;
if (n === 2) it.push(["", row[0], "", row[1], {{}}, null]);
else if (n === 3) it.push(["", row[0], "", row[1], row[2], null]);
else if (n === 4) it.push([...row, {{}}, null]);
else if (n === 5) it.push([...row, null]);
else if (n === 6) it.push(row);
else throw new Error(`kgv.edges() can only accept tables from 2 to 6 columns. Detected ${{n}} columns instead`)
it = {'await ' if a1 else ''}{f1}(it);
{ctxIdx}.push(["edges", {{it, args: []}}]); return it;
""", fIdx # edges
def _replaceIds(s) -> "[nodeIds, edgeIds, graphIds]": # _replaceIds
s = s.replace("><", ">\n<"); parts = s.split("\n") # _replaceIds
# these ids are: List[(auto generated id, unique id we're replacing it with)]: # _replaceIds
# - Auto generated id is generated by graphviz, looks like "node1", "node2", "edge1", "edge2" # _replaceIds
# - Unique id is generated by _idxAuto() for nodes, or _svgAutoInc() for edges and subgraphs # _replaceIds
# replacing them so that we have control over the ids and so that they don't collide with other "node1" from other graphs # _replaceIds
nodeIds = parts | cli.grep('class="node"', after=1) | cli.batched(2) | cli.apply(cli.op().split("title>")[1].strip("</"), 1) | cli.grep('<g id="(?P<g>node[0-9]+)', col=0, extract="g") | cli.deref() # _replaceIds
edgeIds = parts | cli.grep('<g id="(?P<g>edge[0-9]+)"', extract="g") | cli.apply(lambda x: [x, _svgAutoInc()]) | cli.deref() # _replaceIds
graphIds = parts | cli.grep('<g id="(?P<g>graph[0-9]+)"', extract="g") | cli.apply(lambda x: [x, _svgAutoInc()]) | cli.deref() # _replaceIds
for x, y in [nodeIds, edgeIds, graphIds] | cli.joinSt(): s = s.replace(f'id="{x}"', f'id="{y}"') # _replaceIds
# removes all <titles>, cause we've already extracted the modified ids, and titles show up as a tooltip, which is annoying # _replaceIds
s = re.sub(r'<title>.*?</title>', '', s, flags=re.DOTALL) # _replaceIds
return s, nodeIds, edgeIds, graphIds # _replaceIds
[docs]class Graph: # Graph
[docs] def __init__(self, g, name2Idx, idx2Popup, idx2Onclick, nodes, edges, sketchKw): # Graph
"""Wrapper around a :class:`graphviz.Graph` or :class:`graphviz.Digraph`. Internal graph
object is available at ``self.g``. Not instantiated by end user, instead, this is
returned by :class:`sketch`.
This class's whole purpose is to implement a popup window for the nodes that require it. It
analyzes the svg output of graphviz and compiles it to a form that is slightly interactive.
This is the feedstock for more complex Graphs
Also, "nodes" and "edges" contain all necessary information to reconstruct everything else like this::
g = [...] | kgv.edges()
[g.edges, g.nodes] | (kgv.sketch() | kgv.edges() + kgv.nodes()) # regenerated graph
You can do some extra filtering by adding a post process function to :class:`edges` and :class:`nodes`.
:param name2Idx: looks like {'': {'c': '_idx_233', 'e': '_idx_234'}}
:param idx2Popup: looks like {'_idx_113': 'some content'}. The content can be any complex html
:param idx2Onclick: looks like {'_idx_113': '(nodeId) => console.log("something")'}. The string will be eval-ed when the node is clicked
:param nodes: List[nodes, postProcessF], (cut(0) | joinSt()) is a bunch of edges, can be piped into nodes() again
:param edges: List[edges, postProcessF], (cut(0) | joinSt()) is a bunch of edges, can be piped into edges() again""" # Graph
self.g = g; self.name2Idx = name2Idx; self.idx2Popup = idx2Popup; self.idx2Onclick = idx2Onclick # Graph
self.nodes = list([x[0] for x in nodes] | cli.joinSt()); self.nodesPostProcessF = cli.serial(*[cli.aS(x[1]) for x in nodes if x[1]]) # Graph
self.edges = list([x[0] for x in edges] | cli.joinSt()); self.edgesPostProcessF = cli.serial(*[cli.aS(x[1]) for x in edges if x[1]]) # Graph
self.startTime = round(time.time()*1000); self.sketchKw = sketchKw # Graph
[docs] def focus(self, name, depth=1) -> "InteractiveGraph": # Graph
"""Creates a complex interactive graph that users can click on a node to zoom in to its
surroundings. Example::
g = ["ab", "bc", "ca", "cd"] | kgv.edges()
:param name: name of the node, like "a" or "subgraph1\\ue002b". The second example is just the subgraph
name and node name joined together by "\\ue002"
:param depth: all nodes <= depth away from the selected node will be displayed
:param nodeF: function to run on all nodes after filtering out-of-focus nodes
:param edgeF: function to run on all edges after filtering out-of-focus nodes""" # Graph
return InteractiveGraph(self.nodes, self.edges, self.sketchKw, name, depth, self.nodesPostProcessF, self.edgesPostProcessF) # Graph
def _repr_mimebundle_(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.g._repr_mimebundle_(*args, **kwargs) # Graph
def _repr_html_(self): return self._toHtml() # Graph
def _toImg(self, **kw): return self.g | cli.toImg() # Graph
def _toHtml(self): # Graph
idx2Popup = self.idx2Popup; s, nodeIds, edgeIds, graphIds = _replaceIds(self.g | cli.toHtml()) # Graph
a = [[x,list(y.items())] for x,y in self.name2Idx.items()] | cli.ungroup(False) | ~cli.apply(lambda x,y,z: [z, f"{x}\ue002{y}"]) | cli.aS(list) # Graph
idx2Name = a | cli.toDict(); name2Idx = a | cli.cut(1, 0) | cli.toDict() # this name2Idx maps from "a\ue002b" to "_idx_233", different from self.name2Idx. I kinda just want a flat structure! # Graph
a = nodeIds | cli.cut(1) | cli.apply(lambda idx: f"[{json.dumps(idx)}, {html.b64escape(idx2Popup.get(idx, None)) if idx2Popup.get(idx, None) else 'null'}]") | cli.join(", "); pre = f"{_preAutoInc()}_{self.startTime}" # Graph
b = ", ".join([f"['{x}', {y}]" for x,y in self.idx2Onclick.items()]) # Graph
inside = f"rect.x <= {pre}_mouseX && {pre}_mouseX < rect.x+rect.width && rect.y <= {pre}_mouseY && {pre}_mouseY < rect.y+rect.height" # Graph
return f"""
<div id="{pre}_wrapper" style="position: relative">{s}<div id="{pre}_popup" style="position: absolute; display: none; background: white; padding: 8px 12px; border-radius: 6px; box-shadow: 0 3px 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.3); z-index: 1000000"></div></div>
{pre}_idx2Name = {json.dumps(idx2Name)}; {pre}_name2Idx = {json.dumps(name2Idx)};
{pre}_nodeId_node_popup = ([{a}]).map(([x,y]) => [x, document.querySelector(`#${{x}}`), y]);
{pre}_nodeId_node_onclick = ([{b}]).map(([x,y]) => [x, document.querySelector(`#${{x}}`), y]);
{pre}_nodes = {pre}_nodeId_node_popup.map(([x,n,y]) => n); {pre}_activeNode = null;
{pre}_popup = document.querySelector("#{pre}_popup"); {pre}_wrapper = document.querySelector("#{pre}_wrapper");
{pre}_nodeId2Popup = {{}}; for (const [x,n,y] of {pre}_nodeId_node_popup) {{ {pre}_nodeId2Popup[x] = y; }};
{pre}_context = {{nodeId_node_popup: {pre}_nodeId_node_popup, nodeId_node_onclick: {pre}_nodeId_node_onclick, nodes: {pre}_nodes, idx2Name: {pre}_idx2Name, name2Idx: {pre}_name2Idx}};
{pre}_mouseX = 0; {pre}_mouseY = 0; {pre}_wrapper.onmousemove = (e) => {{ {pre}_mouseX = e.clientX; {pre}_mouseY = e.clientY; }};
{pre}_adjustInterval = null;
{pre}_wrapper.onclick = (e) => {{
const wRect = {pre}_wrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
for (const [nodeId, node, f] of {pre}_nodeId_node_onclick) {{
const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
if ({inside}) {{ f({pre}_idx2Name[nodeId], {pre}_context); break; }}
setInterval(() => {{
if ({pre}_activeNode) {{
const rect = {pre}_activeNode.getBoundingClientRect();
if (!({inside})) {{ clearInterval({pre}_adjustInterval); {pre}_adjustInterval = null; {pre}_activeNode = null; {pre}_popup.innerHTML = ""; {pre}_popup.style.display = "none"; }}
if (!{pre}_activeNode) {{ // can't just do `if (activeNode) ... else ...` btw. Separated out for a reason
const wRect = {pre}_wrapper.getBoundingClientRect();
for (const node of {pre}_nodes) {{
const rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
if ({inside}) {{
const popup = {pre}_nodeId2Popup[node.id];
{pre}_activeNode = node;
if (popup) {{
{pre}_popup.style.left = rect.x + rect.width/2 + 10 - wRect.x + "px";
{pre}_popup.style.top = 0; {pre}_popup.innerHTML = popup; {pre}_popup.style.display = "block";
(async () => {{ // popup might have <script> tags, so let's execute all of them
await (new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 30)));
try {{ for (const script of {pre}_popup.getElementsByTagName("script")) eval(script.innerHTML);
}} catch (e) {{ {pre}_popup.innerHTML = `<pre style="color: red">Error encountered:\n${{e}}</pre>`; }}
if ({pre}_adjustInterval) clearInterval({pre}_adjustInterval);
const adjustF = () => {{
if ({pre}_activeNode) {{
const pRect = {pre}_popup.getBoundingClientRect();
const t1 = rect.y + rect.height/2 + 10 - wRect.y; // "t" for "top"
const t2 = wRect.height - pRect.height;
{pre}_popup.style.top = ((t2 < 0) ? 0 : Math.min(t1, t2)) + "px";
}}; adjustF();
{pre}_adjustInterval = setInterval(adjustF, 100);
}}, 30);
console.log("k1.Graph '{pre}' loaded");
</script>""" # Graph
return s # Graph
def _nodeJsonDump2(nodes): # overrides json.dumps(), just because I want to expose the function directly, instead of eval-ing it # _nodeJsonDump2
ans = [] # _nodeJsonDump2
for name, kw in nodes: # _nodeJsonDump2
skw = [f"{json.dumps(k)}: {json.dumps(v)}" for k,v in kw.items() if k != "onclick"] # _nodeJsonDump2
if "onclick" in kw: skw.append(f"'onclick': {kw['onclick']}") # _nodeJsonDump2
skw = "{" + ", ".join(skw) + "}"; ans.append(f"[{json.dumps(name)}, {skw}]") # _nodeJsonDump2
return "[" + ", ".join(ans) + "]" # _nodeJsonDump2
[docs]class InteractiveGraph: # InteractiveGraph
def __init__(self, nodes, edges, sketchKw, focus:str, depth:int=1, nodeF=None, edgeF=None): # same signature as Graph # InteractiveGraph
self.nodes = nodes; self.edges = edges; self.sketchKw = sketchKw; self.focus = focus if "\ue002" in focus else f"\ue002{focus}"; self.depth = depth # InteractiveGraph
# refining the nodes and edges (turn [s1, n1] pairs into "s1\ue002n1") # InteractiveGraph
self.rEdges = [[f"{s1}\ue002{n1}", f"{s2}\ue002{n2}", kw, extras] for s1,n1,s2,n2,kw,extras in edges] # InteractiveGraph
self.rNodes = [[f"{s}\ue002{n}", kw, extras] for s,n,kw,extras in nodes]; self.startTime = round(time.time()*1000) # InteractiveGraph
self.nodeF = cli.aS(nodeF or cli.iden()); self.edgeF = cli.aS(edgeF or cli.iden()); allNodeNames = self.rEdges | cli.cut(0, 1) | cli.joinSt() | cli.aS(set) # InteractiveGraph
for name in allNodeNames - set(self.rNodes | cli.cut(0)): self.rNodes.append([name, {}, None]) # add node entries so that I can override the onclick field, to inject in the InteractiveGraph's callback # InteractiveGraph
def _repr_html_(self): return self._toHtml() # InteractiveGraph
def _toHtml(self): # InteractiveGraph
pre = f"{_preAutoInc()}_{self.startTime}"; nodes = [[name, {**kw, "onclick": f"{pre}_ocb"}, extras] for name, kw, extras in self.rNodes] # InteractiveGraph
name2Idx = self.rNodes | cli.cut(0) | cli.insId(begin=False) | cli.toDict() # InteractiveGraph
inside = f"rect.x <= {pre}_mouseX && {pre}_mouseX < rect.x+rect.width && rect.y <= {pre}_mouseY && {pre}_mouseY < rect.y+rect.height" # InteractiveGraph
h1,f1,a1 = k1lib.kast.asyncGuard(self.nodeF._jsF({})); h2,f2,a2 = k1lib.kast.asyncGuard(self.edgeF._jsF({})) # InteractiveGraph
return f"""
<button id="{pre}_homeBtn" style="padding: 4px 6px">Home</button><span style="margin-left: 8px">Focused on: </span><span id="{pre}_focusedOn">nothing</span>. <span style="margin-left: 6px">Click on any node to focus on it. Click home to view all nodes (might be big!)</span>
<div id="{pre}_loading"></div>
<div id="{pre}_wrapper" style="margin-top: 8px">(Rendering...)</div>
{pre}_nodes = {json.dumps(nodes)}; {pre}_edges = {json.dumps(self.rEdges)};
{pre}_sNodes = null; {pre}_sEdges = null; // selected nodes and edges to be rendered
{pre}_name2Idx = {json.dumps(name2Idx)}; {pre}_wrapper = document.querySelector("#{pre}_wrapper"); {pre}_loading = document.querySelector("#{pre}_loading");
{pre}_focusedOn = document.querySelector("#{pre}_focusedOn");
async function {pre}_render() {{ // renders sNodes and sEdges using mlexps's demo, then inject into wrapper
const nodes = {'await ' if a1 else ''}{f1}({pre}_nodes.map(([name, kw,extras], i) => [...name.split("\ue002"), kw, extras]).filter((e, i) => {pre}_sNodes[i]));
const edges = {'await ' if a2 else ''}{f2}({pre}_edges.map(([n1,n2,kw,extras], i) => [...n1.split("\ue002"), ...n2.split("\ue002"), kw, extras]).filter((e, i) => {pre}_sEdges[i]));
{pre}_loading.innerHTML = "Loading...";
const res = (await (await fetch("https://local.mlexps.com/routeServer/kapi_10-graphviz", {{
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({{ 'obj': [["edges", {{"it": edges}}], ["nodes", {{"it": nodes}}]], 'sketchKw': {json.dumps(self.sketchKw)} }}),
headers: {{ "Content-Type": "application/json" }}
{pre}_wrapper.innerHTML = atob(res);
(async () => {{
await (new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 100)));
try {{
for (const script of {pre}_wrapper.getElementsByTagName("script")) eval(script.innerHTML);
{pre}_loading.innerHTML = "";
}} catch (e) {{ {pre}_loading.innerHTML = `<pre style="color: red">Error encountered:\n${{e}}</pre>`; }}
function {pre}_reset() {{
{pre}_sNodes = [...new Array({len(nodes)} ).keys()].map((x) => 1);
{pre}_sEdges = [...new Array({len(self.rEdges)}).keys()].map((x) => 1);
}}; {pre}_reset();
function {pre}_home() {{
{pre}_focusedOn.innerHTML = "nothing";
{pre}_sNodes = [...new Array({len(nodes)} ).keys()].map((x) => 1);
{pre}_sEdges = [...new Array({len(self.rEdges)}).keys()].map((x) => 1);
}}; setTimeout(() => {pre}_ocb({json.dumps(self.focus)}), 300);
document.querySelector("#{pre}_homeBtn").onclick = {pre}_home;
function {pre}_ocb(name, ctx) {{ // callback to inject into all. Forms sNodes and sEdges from nodes and edges
{pre}_focusedOn.innerHTML = name.replace("\ue002", ">");
const depth = {self.depth};
let sNodes = new Set([name]); // set of node names that will be selected to display out
for (let i = 0; i < depth; i++) {{
let newOnes = [];
for (const [n1,n2,kw] of {pre}_edges) {{
if (sNodes.includes(n1)) newOnes.push(n2);
if (sNodes.includes(n2)) newOnes.push(n1);
for (const e of newOnes) sNodes.add(e);
{pre}_sEdges = {pre}_edges.map(([n1,n2,kw]) => sNodes.includes(n1) && sNodes.includes(n2));
{pre}_sNodes = {pre}_nodes.map(([n,kw]) => sNodes.includes(n));
</script>""" # InteractiveGraph